Bozak concert grand speakers

 What do I do with my deceased fathers bozak concert grands  that have not been moved since 1972 when they were purchased?  They are in Wilmington Delaware.  Last used circa 2010.  Their furniture is like new.
They were great for bass, but the aluminum tweeter was rather dull sounding.  In the store, we had to tip up the treble about 3 db or so to get a little sparkle.
my dad had the B-305 Essentially half the CG
they were not designed for sand
but were of substantial construction including a lot of batting
the crossovers will no doubt require caps
i see them for sale now and then, local pickup only
beaters around a grand
immaculate cabinets in right style, right wormhole in universe might fetch $3K
you might try Audio Classics in NY ( Vestal )
they move some used Bozak gear

lastly you could part them out, certain drivers are worth $$$$

soniclly not my cup of tea, as noted tweeters were off above about 14k
big midrange was beamy
lots of woofers to motivate...

but i I heard them properly setup and driven by two MC275 at Music Unlimited in the late 60’s
amazing in the day

sorry about your Dad

I'm not an audiophile but my younger brother told me dad added a " crystal" bar ?? For treble??  Does that make sense?
My error, it was Wharfedale whose large enclosure models incorporated sand filled chambers.
I would just list them on Ebay as a cash-and-carry only item and you will find a buyer.  There are a lot of people who love those vintage speakers.  I sold my father's EV Royal 400 on Ebay in 1 day, whereas they sat here for a month without a bite.  I have no idea of how much they are worth, but you can figure that out.  Good luck.  I'm old enough to remember them, but I never actually heard a pair.