Borresen X3


For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the X3 I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 

Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306

I’m a little confused after reading this post as I thought you own the X6 model. I’m assuming you wrote this post before you got your X6s? The X6 are too big for my room, and I was researching X3’s. Just curious, did the X6 made you change your mind about Borresen?

P.S. This is a genuine question and not an attempt at sarcasm or trying to make you look bad.

@arafiq , Yes, that comment was from before i bought/lived with a X6. I had heard the high end Borresens prior to that. I’ll still stand by the statement that the higher end Borresens (M series, etc) are a bit too overpriced for what you get. Diminishing returns on those are quite high if you have the X series.

A lot of AGDenmark’s magic dust is the front end electronics. When you put the same electronics they put on their M-series on the X-series (equalize the electronics, give it the same privileges), for example, you’ll know what i mean. Is it the speaker’s doing or the electronics? it will get demystified for you.

The Aavik SD-880 and the 880 amps (a very unique implementation of the class A topology) are unbelievable...if you can afford it. I don’t feel like spending that much right now (would rather wait on some trickledown), but, i get to live vicariously through some guys with bottomless pockets around me who have it.

The Yamaha can hold its own for a different purpose (a different type of speaker than Borresen). These guys do a lot of iterative tuning with their musical instruments division, etc. I have yet to hear a violin or a piano that sounded as real/close as it does on that speaker, i.e. an advantage they have, when they choose to spend some money. A musician will find it quite useful.

The Borresen has other wow factors for audiophiles/playback, as reported by many of them...Both brands are very innovative/respectable (in different ways).

Post removed 

I have heard the TOTL Yamaha amp and preamp with the NS5000. It was not the gear I would use with those speakers. I actually own the NS5000 and use a CODA #16 with a Holo Audio Serene preamp. My Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC is also much better than the expensive DAC I heard paired with the TOTL Yamaha gear.

I recently heard another amp that I would love with the NS5000, it was the neutral  SimAudio  761 from the North Collection. Different sonically from the CODA and the Yamaha gear.

I thought my setup sounded excellent, but I only have a certain frame of reference. However, when a friend of mine, who is a musician and audio hardware vendor for some seriously famous musicians came over and heard my setup. His comments were very informative and made me realize I should keep the NS5000 forever. I tossed out the shipping boxes.

@deep_333 thanks for the heads up on the Aavik SD-880 and the 880 amps. I find your posts very informative.


@deep_333 Appreciate the response. Once again, my intention was not to embarrass you in any way. I completely understand that people often change their views after experiencing an audio component in person where they might have formed a negative opinion in the past based on reviews, opinions, etc. I've been guilty of this many times in the past. No big deal!

I know a couple of people who own the X3s and they share the same opinion that higher end Borresen speakers (including Raidho) are overpriced for what you get. I have heard some of his expensive speakers and found them to be too 'hifi' for my taste -- too fast, detailed, and not enough soul. But it seems that he is tuning his X series to lean more towards a warmer, fuller sound but without sacrificing resolution and imaging. I am trying to get an audition set up to listen to the X3s to figure out what the fuss is all about. X6 is probably too big for my room. 

Also, I've heard the Yamaha NS5000 multiple times at a friends's place. Great speaker, but for my taste I prefer my Harbeth 40.2 by a large margin. Doesn't mean its a bad speaker, just not for me. But from it sounds like, the Borresen X3 is able retain the magical midrange of Harbeth but add better bass, dynamics and imaging. I hope to find out soon. Thanks for your feedback.