Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?

Borresen Acoustics have recently launched three models of loudspeaker.   The chief designer is ex-Raidho Acoustics.  Just wondering whether anyone heard or auditioned them and if so what were your impressions?  When commenting please let us know what loudspeakers you have today as this provides a useful point of reference.   
Hi guys i'm also a new Borresen fan and was blown away by what i've heard at the Munich show this year.I own Thiel CS 3.7s and would like to upgrade towards Borresen 02 or 03 depending on budget.Do you guys think it's really worth purchasing the 03 right away and not have to upgrade anymore or should the 02 be ok for the long run ?I don't want to spend more than 100k for the whole rig : speakers, integrated amp, DAC and cables.Thinking of CH Precision I1 integrated, Vitus SIA-030, Dartzeel CTH-8550 mkll, T+A PA3100HV or even Absolare integrated to drive 02s or 03s.I will not be able to audition all of them at home but the CH and Dart for sure i can borrow from dealer.
Let me know what you guys think.
I should be getting my new 03's and U380 "soon". Yup, super expensive for the two but (as of today) I can afford it. I currently own the 02's and the U300. As I have stated in other posts, the 02's are really super nice sounding speakers but they just seemed to lack a bit of punch in the low ends. My friend George, who already owns the 03's, suggested adding a sub woofer to fill in that missing void but because of my current room constraints (small living room) it wasn't feasible. He then convinced me to make the upgrade to the 03's. Yeah, I know it's a considerable risk buying a new pair of speakers (sight unseen or listened to) but between George and Tyler's expertise it seemed like a no-brainer for me. Time will tell!! 

IMO the 03 is the sweet spot in the Borresen line up. While the 01 is very good moving up to the 02 will add a bit more low end. Going to the 03 will give you even more low end and the midrange the clarity gets a world better compared to the 02. The 05 gets you a hair more low end and a hair better clarity in the mids.
Post removed 
I just heard the 3 and they were amazing. Out of my price range of course. Sounded clear and relaxed at the same time. The guy showing them also said that they work in both smaller and larger rooms.

I started a new thread about them since I had missed this :-)
No doubt The Borresen line of speakers are expensive but man alive are they worth it!!
Not 01's but should have some 02 trade-ins in about a month. That customer is upgrading to the 03's. In fact his 03's arrived but the dealer has agreed to break them in before delivery. New Borresen speakers take a good 500hrs of break-in time to really sing. BTW the stands are an additional $5K to the configuration of those 01's they had there.

Heard the Borrensen-01s at RMAF-2019 and they amazingly
filled a huge room with ease, no strain and simply beautiful sound.  I have heard some good stand mount speakers in the past but the 01 sets a new bar.  Just wish they were not $35k.  I'll be watching the used market for sure.

@ xti16 (George) your dealer have any 01 trade-ins?

Congrats George.  I understand you've upgraded from Raidho D3.1's to Borresen Acoustics model 03's.   Please let us know how they compare in your system once they are broken in.  I understand the Borresen 03 is more efficient than the Raidho D3.1.  I was told the Borresen 03 is about 4dB more sensitive so that would help explain why its louder to your ears.  :-).   An acquaintance friend of mine is upgrading his Magico speakers to Borresens as well.  He's been a long time Magico speaker fan and I hope he will chime in with his opinions too.
Hi Ralph its George
The speakers Steve59 heard were the 03’s. I was there too. IMO the tweeter is smoother and more airy. That day they started with the 03 then the 02 and then the 01. Not sure how many hrs were on them at the time. I have to say the 01’s are more like in a Raidho D2.1 class of sound. When I compared the D3.1 to the 03 we had 1 of each in the system. I thought it would be close since the sensitivity was close per the specs (89db for the 03 and 90db for the D3.1). Turns out the 03 was no less than twice as loud so it wasn’t a fair demo. If I stood in front of the 3.1 the loudness was pretty close. I bought the D3.1’s because of the clearer more detailed midrange compared to the D2.1. A little deeper in the bass was nice too. The transients and attack in the leading edge is also faster with the Borresens.
For those who don’t know me I owned the D1 - D2 - D2.1 and now the D3.1. So I do have some experience with Raidho D series.
I last weekend did a side by side of the 02 vs the 03. The thing that really really stands out with the 03 is the midrange detail and clarity. Hate to say it but the D3.1’s midrange sounds muffled in comparison. What I would like to do is compare the 02’s to the D3.1’s (but not 1 of each in the system) to get a feel how the 02’s midrange compares to the D3.1’s.

Contuzzi the tweeter is not brighter at all. Just more even lifelike when compared to the Raidho D series.
Hello Contuzzi and thank you so much for your comments.  Yes, the Raidho tweeter, which is widely considered one of the best in the business, is now a design which is over 15 years old.  Early reports published elsewhere from a Raidho owner who has listened to Borresen and Raidho speakers side by side indicate his opinion that the new Borresen tweeter resolves more detail - so that peaked my interest.   I do agree with you that the guys behind the company are widely liked and respected.  You seem knowledgeable on Raidho.  Do you own a pair of their wonderful loudspeakers?
I haven’t heard them yet, but they’re not going to release a new speaker line without making sure they’re better than the Raidho lines. I’m sure they did lots of comparing with Raidhos they already had on hand.

The only thing is since the Raidho tweeter design is so old, and they have supposedly made the new tweeter “better,” who knows what better is to them by now.  For all we know, maybe the tweeter is brighter and livelier, which sounds better to them but not to me.  I doubt it however.

Either way, they are making without a doubt some of the best speakers in the world. They’re in my top 5 brands for sure. Michael and Lars are perhaps the most respectable and likeable people in the audio industry in my opinion.
Thanks for the reply Steve59.   I am mostly curious about opinions on the Borresen Acoustics loudspeaker range.  Raidho loudspeakers which i've listened too have been great - but i've read some reports that suggest the Borresen speakers are even better and this has peaked my interest.
Next level in wayne. He said they had a power outage and his best guess would be 150 hrs. Curious or looking to purchase? Thanks for the compliments on my gear. 
Thanks for the additional insight Steve59.   Much appreciated.  Where did you hear them?   I'm guessing the Borresen Acoustics loudspeakers were still new and being broken in?   Can you recall the answer to how many hours were on them?  I am familiar with the Revel Salon2's and the Hegel H360 integrated.   Both great products. 
I don't know what model other than they were floorstanding apparently full range 3 ways. I don't even recall if there were 3 or 4 drivers in the boxes, sorry. I have a pair of salon 2's being driven by a hegel h360 int. I was riding mu motorcycle on a rare 50f december day past an appt only shop that was having a new release show for the speakers and they were gracious enough to let me in! I was dressed way too warm to hang around for more than a few songs and I've never heard that room before. That said the speakers had an open mid range tight full bass and just enough edge on 1 song for another listener to ask how many hours were on them. I've heard that hyper detail on ribbon tweeters before but only heard it once during the audition and I think it was an artifact of the recording. really attractive speakers. 
Which Borresen Acoustics loudspeaker model did you listen to Steve59? 

What did you think of them?   

What speakers do you currently own? 

I heard a few songs at a shop. I doubt they'll surprise anyone considering the pedigree if I say they were spread very wide and relatively close to the front, almost as if they were Raidho's.