Bookshelf Speakers for Master Bedroom

As the title stated, I am looking for a pair of speakers for my master bedroom. About 20x30 and has about 10 foot ceilings. Looking to setup 2 channel system utilizing a Rotel RA-1520 with Wadia 170iTransport. Also have a Marantz CD6003 in use. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated? Max I would like to spend is $1200. Last question, do I need floorstanding speakers for a room this size as I was not looking to add sub?

Thank you
How about a used pair of B&W 805s? That would be right about the top of your budget, and B&W often pairs them with Rotel. I haven't heard them with Rotel, but I do play an iDecco through another amp (Luxman L-507) to mine, and the iDecco sounds somewhat like the Wadia transport, IMHO. My cousin swears by his own B&W/Rotel combo.
Just came back from auditioning Monitor Audio Silver RS6 speakers and I must say they were very impressive. Maybe tough to beat at less than $1000
Thanks All for the great choices. As for Tekton, anyone else have these? I looked through the site and see a few that interest me including the Kats Meow!
Caesarpalace interesting speakers with pricing that is tough to beat;you mentioned 5 speakers you once owned and these perform better;especially when I see the harbeth and nola listed these maybe worth checking out;thanks for the info.
If you can find a pair on the used market, Celestion SL700s. However, they use a dedicated stand.
You need to check out Tekton, He is doing amazing stuff with speakers that are way in budget. He is a Builder out of Utah. I bought a pair for my bed room and they are so good that I moved them to my living room. I have sold my Revel F12 and replaced them with his book shelf and Sub. I had 5 different speakers brought to my home from Esoteric, Harbeth, Nola, PSB and Moniter Audio. The Tekton Blew them out the water and cost less, Made in our backyard by hand. I know we all like to read what the Mags have to say but there is a big world out there with tons of great audio gear.
I think Macdadtexas suggestion is excellant;I had a pair of these speakers and they were excellant for a powered monitor;I think there are a couple floating around now as well.
Thanks for the responses. I had a listen to the Era D5's and I really enjoyed them. Having compared them to Harbeth was not a good idea. I also listened to PSB Platinum M2's and was not that impressed(Sorry!) I am use to listening to my Proac D2 Reponse in the living area of the house and love the sound. Just don't want to pay the price for a master bedroom. Thank you for the PSB T6 advice, I read a good review in Stereophile.
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I had Dynaudio Excite X12's in my bedroom with a Peachtree iDecco. They had great bass, just enough for the bedroom.
try to find some Paradigm Active 20's, plenty of bass, and you don't need an amp then.
I recommend Era speakers, particularly the D4, (which are fantastic and I own), or D5. Both are small, but have amazing range and bass far beyond their weight class. Both under your budget.
I recently updated my bedroom system using a vintage pair of Boston Acoustics A40's. To solve the bass problem, the a40 has none, I tried a Yamaha YST 150 watt sub. Very pleased, especially since it goes into the desk. Worth a try with any of the speakers mentioned.
NHT speakers for $500 - Stereophile said the best under $1000.
The right amp can bring out the Bass in monitors. But it depends on the
listening location and placement of the speakers.

Vienna Acoustic Haydn
Usher V-601
Usher V-718
Focal Jm Labs Electra 1007
Dali Helicon 300