@skirescue911 Hi, I’ve just started using the USB output on my Node "3" to a new DAC I’ve had for around a month. While for me it works flawlessly streaming natively from the Node/BluOS, Roon/USB has issues in the form of pops and crackles.
This has been acknowledged by Bluesound and discussed on Roon forums. Bluesound say the Roon integration is still in Beta and will be addressed by future updates.
If you don’t use Roon, you shouldn’t have issues. USB out has provided a greater clarity and detail for me, but that maybe due to the way USB is implemented in my DAC. But, the greatest improvement I made was modding the Node with the replacement PCB and external LPS from the Polish company someone linked above for you. The cost is extremely reasonable for the improvements gained; it cost me around £200, which was eyebrow raising personally, as I wasn't expecting such an improvement for that kind of money.
Hope this helps; good luck and happy listening 👍