Big Silver Lining in these tough times!

Found a wonderful way to overcome the fear and uncertainty. Now having the time and focus, spending hours every day joyously listening to my stereo. The “Big Silver Lining” is a newly discovered appreciation not only for the brilliant artistry of the musicians, but for being deeply and emotionally moved-now like never before. Certainly, a big part is gratitude for being able to take this precious time and be content with a system built with love and attention over many years that is good enough to care about the content not the components.

Yes, that's the secret to a good life, focusing on what really matters. I've heard it said that the big philosophical question is "What do you want?", or something like that. I might rephrase that to "What do you REALLY want?" There are market forces and various ideologies out there trying to make it all much more complicated than it really is in order to interject themselves into the path taken to receive satisfaction.
Hi millercarbon,
And a time to every season under heaven!
Things change with the times.
I guess there would be more comments if my post were about some audiophile minutiae.
I am grateful for no longer being concerned with things that really don’t matter.