Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?
Maybe it goes back to the whole transformer thing? If you go packing multiple channels into one housing aren’t you in essence building towards what an A/V receiver is? Does anybody know if a multiple channel amp still only has one transformer like a receiver? Sorry, I am new at this but so far this is really fun. Lol 
I believe it is Richard Vandersteen (Vandersteen Audio) and Jim Smith (Get Better Sound) who both recommend a single good amp.

I think I read that another poster here (whitecamaross?) went so far as to say that there are NO multi-channel amps that sound as good as a 2-ch amp, even from the same manufacturer.

Tom, that’s half of the question answered for me right there! For instance, if I buy a two channel McIntosh that’s bi-wired, will it sound better than bi amping using my receiver channels as I have it now? I’m using channels 6 and 7 to bi amp my fronts. I don’t know whether to buy a McIntosh 2 channel and bi wire, or buy like an Anthem 8 channel and start by amping the fronts and center channel later down the road when I get a center channel. 
Very welcome, OP. No, I didn't post and remove. Also, I read somewhere that it's better to use a single good amp bi-wired than two mediocre amps bi-amped.

I would say that we mostly listen to HT movies using surround, and occasionally I will listen to 2 channel music. 

When i listen to music 2 channel I want the best sound Possible. 
Thanks Tom that makes sense to me. Did you post something and then take it down? I read a post and then it disappeared. 
Good question OP. Others will chime in with much better answers than mine, but I have been told when bi-amping use identical amps. 

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question! I tried to edit my question beca Are there were a couple bad auto corrects but it said I can’t.

Anyway, I have the Pioneer Elite VSX-03TXH. Very interesting point about the transformer!

So it sounds like even if I had a 2 channel amp powering my fronts that it would be better than bi amping using my receiver. It’s just really hard to find a 4 or 6 channel amp for some reason. 

I was just using Parasound as an example. I am very new and growing into the audiophile world. Lol I upgraded from MA Silvers to Gold, and I just feel like I could probably be getting more treble out of these ribbon speakers. I’m not sure what is the best for that. I have 2 MA powered subwoofers and holy smokes, there is no worry there!!! 
Hi Craigert.

You are definitely getting the bottom side of your receiver, unfortunately.  The receiver will only have one transformer feeding all channels within it.  They tend to be quite small, intended to drive other smaller surround sound speakers, and typically limited in their dynamic ability compared to stand alone amps.  While you are actually bi-amping at this time, you are running off of one, likely small, transformer from the receiver that is feeding all of the receivers amps/channels.  The Monitor Audio Gold  is an excellent speaker, though I am not familiar with its load rating or efficiency,,,,,,  is your receiver getting unusually warm/hot?  While the Pioneer Elite is nothing to sneeze at, without knowing the model of Pioneer Elite I can not comment more specifically on its capabilities, and whether or not you are doing those fine speakers justice.  If its sounds better than before, than as long as the receiver is not heating, you've done a good thing.  Yet, with the Parasound consideration, depending on what model Parasound, it is likely the Parasound will be your superior sound, bass, impact, etc, etc.  Again,,,all model dependent.  Both Parasound and Monitor Audio are available at many stereo is likely you could google and find one that carries both, then stop in to hear the Parasound on Monitor Golds...that should definitively answer your question.  

Hope you see some benefit to my ramblings!  

>>> Rich