Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?

Showing 7 responses by tomcarr

Good question OP. Others will chime in with much better answers than mine, but I have been told when bi-amping use identical amps. 

I believe it is Richard Vandersteen (Vandersteen Audio) and Jim Smith (Get Better Sound) who both recommend a single good amp.

I think I read that another poster here (whitecamaross?) went so far as to say that there are NO multi-channel amps that sound as good as a 2-ch amp, even from the same manufacturer.

Very welcome, OP. No, I didn't post and remove. Also, I read somewhere that it's better to use a single good amp bi-wired than two mediocre amps bi-amped.

Enjoy your two systems! Please post your thoughts on how they sound to you.