Better sound on rainy days?

Does anyone else notice this? I also get better FM reception on rainy days.


As it happens, I just installed a TV antenna in my attic a few days ago. I am using it for the FM reception and my tuner is in the basement. I keep a close ear to the results, as I am very picky about this. Yes, it did rain the very next day, and even though there wasn't a noise level to worried about, the voices in the FM transmission were more clear. As the weather dried up the area, reception was still great but the music wasn’t quite as full. Signal strength remained the same.

Having said this, there is a notable mystery noise that comes from some sort of interference or noise from this area. It sounds like a control signal of some sort. When it comes to radio transmission/reception you can’t always have it all. The weather has no effect on this rare noise.

I wonder what the frogs are doing in the 360 days it does not rain in my area.

@yyzsantabarbara, They burrow into the mud and go into hibernation until it rains again.  Doesn't sound like much of a life, but I guess we all have to play the hand we're dealt.

Rain=low atmospheric pressure. Sunny = high. Sound is pressure variations in air. Draw your own conclusion regarding if the two are related and if it matters.