11 posts
For what it’s worth, I had an Audio Research SP-16 and a brand new Schiit Freya + for about 3 months. I did some critical listening and some tube rolling with both. I ended up selling the Audio Research. The 6sn7 tubes were just better to my ears. And when tube rolling, the 6sn7’s made a huge difference in sound. I ended up with 2 NOS GE’s in the buffer stage and NOS Ken rads in the gain stage. A sweet Lucious tube sound. Plus it had XLR’s out for my Krell amp. The Audio Research sounded decent but it was single ended, and new production tubes versus NOS tubes didn’t really make a major difference in sound.
Really interesting comparison Robby. Thanks. The sound signature you describe is right up my alley. Certainly food for thought. And I know Mike Moffat a bit, and always enjoy supporting his efforts. I just realized, from re-reading your comments, that the Freya preamp is a fully balanced unit. Which, unfortunately,as noted in my response about the VTL’s, is an issue.