Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?

As the title says, I am pondering my best options for purchasing a tube based preamp for $2k or under. Must have a remote! 


Your opinions, thoughts, and expertise would be greatly appreciated. If I was spending more, I would know most of the best choices, but I'm on unfamiliar ground at this price limit. But sometimes, you can only do what you can do. 

Thanks for any help. 


Showing 1 response by steakster

This updated Audio Horizons TP 2.3sV should be of interest. It has everything that you’re looking for - including a remote.

I have a similar version. Mine is an original TP 2.3SvB with updated balanced circuitry, an R-Core transformer and larger V-Caps. It sounds great. Joseph Chow is a highly regarded audio engineer. Whoever buys this is going to very pleased.

Here’s a review the latest TP 2.3SvB.

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If purchased, ask the seller to put styrofoam supports under the V-Caps. The leads cans snap if the unit is dropped during shipping.