Best ultrasonic lp cleaner in 2020 and what surfactant best?

so many new ones.  ps advise
and i read that surfactant is hugely important.  Any expertise on that?

Showing 4 responses by rsf507

@lubachl based on reading about the Kirmuss and their utube
there's a lot more to cleaning with the Kirmuss than what you have stated.. Even a dealer told me his just sits unused. I'm sure it cleans superbly but...
2 dealers tell me the Kirmuss does an excellent job BUT it requires too many steps and is a pain in the a$$ to use. For this reason I'm getting the new Keith Monks Prodigy machine. Looks pretty easy and simple hopefully to have it before Xmas.
@ddriveman just curious since you own 3 different ultrasonics why do you say the degritter is "sooo much better" than audiodesk?