Best Speakers Compatable with System

I'm in the procesw of upgrading my Artemis-Eos speakers, and am looking to spend about 8-10K new or used. My system consists of BAT VK 75SE amp, THOR pre-amp (tubed, and neutral sounding and dynamic), and a Cary CD301 cdp, which is also tubed with NOS Amperex. Cables are Magnum reference and Synergistic Designer Reference. Speaker cables are XLO, top of the line. Room dimensions are 13x25; sound treated. Listen primarily to Blues, Jazz and some rock music, especially female vocals. Would appreciate any suggestions with respect to speakers to consider that would be a good match for the rest of the system. Thanks for any feedback
If you have the bass modules with the EOS, I don't see any reason for change at all.
I would suggest you check out the Legacy Audio Focus 20/20. They retail for $6400 new. A musical, detailed, yet balanced full-range loudspeaker system.
I sort of agree with kr4 - what exactly are you trying to improve, change, whatever. Sounds like you want something that matches up with a lower power tube amp - on that basis alone, you could look at the Verity Parsifal - they are not too tough a load and are certainly one of the better speakers available.
I personally have a BAT 51SE and a BAT 75SE matched to a pair of Coincident Total Victory in the short wall of a 14 X 34 ft room. I have done some minor tweaking on the 75SE. The combination sounds excellent. This speakers need about 9 to 10 feet in front of the speaker to integrate well, they will handle more no problem. I am not familiar with the Thor preamp.

If you want more info please e-mail to me directly.

Thank you
Jaime Candelario
I tend to agree with those wondering what you find lacking with the EOS. They are still very good speakers, with or without the bass modules. There are only a couple of speakers that I found better for my tastes, and only one is close to your stated price range. For a two-way that is tube friendly and better (for my preferences), check out Peak Consult Incognito from TMH Audio. Their significant advantage is that they play very well with tube gear, especially of the SET variety, but they can also provide a slightly finer texture to musical images. By this I mean, incisive imaging but with slightly better palpability. However, it's certainly not a cost vs performance difference bargain. Have you considered possibly upgrading the internal wire of the EOS, instead? The crossovers are fanatical in quality, but wire (or at least our appreciation of what wire can do) has progressed since the EOS were first made. It's just a suggestion. Good luck.
Thanks for your feedback...I don't have the bass modules with the EOS, and thus, would like deeper bass and some increased transparency. So, I thought a full range speaker would do the trick. The EOS are, indeed, excellent speakers.
Three suggestions:
1. Think about getting the bass modules. I've seen them (w the EOS) on eBay in the past. You might also get in touch with the designer to see if he'll make you a pair. (Contact me off-line for info.)

2. Think about getting a pair of decent subs to work with the EOS.

3. The Verity Parsifals are a reasonble replacement in sound and configuration.
Hello Larry,

You have some nice gear there. There's a Thor pre-amp and some Magnan cabling in my system as well...

Okay, I have two suggestions - one simple; and one complex and somewhat self-serving (hey, I'm a dealer - that's what the fin on my back is all about!).

The simple one: Do as Kr4 suggests and pick up a pair of the bass modules.

The complex one: Get a pair of Sound Lab Millennium-2 full-range electrostatic loudspeakers, which are superb on the music you describe (especially female vocals). Now your BAT won't drive 'em, so I'd take your BAT in trade towards a pair of monoblocks that will. I think we could stay within your budget, though we'd be at its upper limit. By the way, the pair of monoblocks I have in mind were recommended to me by Paul Marks of Thor (I'm no longer a Thor dealer, but have only the highest respect for Paul and his products).

Best of luck in your quest!
