Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
I like a French singer based in NY called Keren Ann. Her fifth album, self-titled, was released this month and is very atmospheric, like Mazzy Star a decade ago.
Iva Bitova on "Mater"
Mariam Matossian on "In the Light"
Tartit on "Ichichila"
Szaloki Agi on "Hallgato" (Lament)
Nynke Laverman on "De Maisfrou"
Teresa Salgueiro on "Obrogado"

These are my new faves for 2007.
There are many female vocalist i like. But there is something about Sade's voice and lyrics that i like a lot.

I also like the female voices on the most recent Usher demo cd. Some are asian and i think 1 or 2 are french. The demo didnt have track listings on he back. Does anyone know the name of these singers?
aahhh Maria McKee...Loved her when she was with Lone Justice....I'm Gonna Soothe You is a great song with a great vibe...not liking her latest album too much though.
r_burke, thanks for the Jennifer Warnes tip. I first heard of her in the mid to late eighties with that horrible song, Time of Our Lives. That song turned me off Jennifer Warnes for a long time. Based on the feedback on this forum I decided to give another try and her stuff before the eighties is great! Blue Raincoat is great as well. Thanks again.
Can such a thread be complete without mentioning Eydie Gorme? "The Look Of Love"...
Donna Summer. Wonderful voice trapped in the sticky resin of 70s pop.
Honorable mention: the alto section if the Choeur de l'Orchestre de Paris. Barenboim conducts Stravinsky's "Symphony of Psalms", Erato CD featuring le Sacre du Printemps. Those alti, oooohhhh, they make my hindbrain's "Ice Cream, Yay!" receptors fire in volley.
I didn't have time to read each thread. Did anybodyy mention Fiest? If not, then Fiest. And Bonnie Raitt Souls alike. She's in your living room on this recording!
Must agree with Redkiwi above. One recording in particular by Ms. Horne with wonderful intimacy is "You Won't Forget Me" on Verve. The title track has a little noodling by Miles Davis. The track entitled If You Go will kill you.

For great jazz vocal selections and sterling sound, "All My Tomorrows"- Carol Kidd on Linn Records.
Mika Nakashima mixes up a bit of jazz, pop and rock. All of the above, done with this beautiful voice in Japanese.
Anything with Skye Edwards singing. Her voice is like velvet chocolate. Soft and smooth, and very very warm. A bit if Brit in her for sure, but liquid smooth beyond belief.

Listen to her on Big Calm or Charango or Who Can You Trust by Morcheeba. Very different than all of the music that has been recommended. In my opinion she is way beyond self absorbed singers like Dainna Krall. Listen and tell me you don't love her voice.

Anytime Tboooe. I heard her for the first time on the soundtrack for "Shortbus" as the vocalist in Azure Ray, and was sold ever since. Something special about her voice. Also check out Sia, her latest album "Some people have real problems" is amazing.
WOW! Sia is awesome! Kinda like Amy Winehouse except with a lot of talent! Also kinda like a female Joe Cocker including the talent!

Thanks Dennis_the_Menace!
I am now a big fan of Rosie Thomas. Another one of my favorites is HEM. Check them out.
I'm with Jmillhouse. Neko Case is my current favorite. Check out "Fox Confessor Brings the Flood" CD.
Shelby Lynne's "Just a Little Lovin" CD is quite nice. The selections "Look of Love" etc. were inspired by Dusty Springfield. Very nice understated recording that allows her voice to shine. Jennifer Warne's Bird on a Wire has some punchy bass too.
Emi Fujita is pretty good but Jheena Lodwick and Susan Wong are just fabulous. Recording quality is one of the best I have heard.
Sinaed O'Connor on This Is The Last Day of Our Acquaintence from I Don't Want What I Haven't Got CD. Her others are also fine.
Just discovered new fav - Kim Jade. Nice mix of blues, soul and light rock. Strong voice and good backup band. Recording is pretty decent too. Her CD is played in full at Just open the site but don't go to any of the links and the music will start.
I agree with Rayhall's comment on Dee Dee Bridgewate's Live at Joshi's. Fantastic vocals, listen to the track were she is trying to imitate a trumpet!

Mina Agossi remains still one of my favorites
I have to join in. I have several. but, Roberta Flack older stuff is simple wonderful. Her voice live made people in the audience gasp. Her newer recordings are more pop than jazz vocals. But, here earlier music is great. Try Eva Cassidy (check out her version of autumn leaves. Absolutely the most wonderful sound. Marilyn Scott's version of Here's to Life is the best that I have ever heard and is simply marvelous. Some artist are great some times, good others, depending on the songs, recording style, music, etc. But every now and then you find one song, such as the two listed above that are simply incredible. Also, Ofra Housa (wonderful).
If you haven't heard Haley Westenra from New Zeland you are in for a really treat. At 23 years old she is mature beyond belief. If you saw Bocelli's Tuscany concert--she was there singing. She has sung before the Queen Elizabeth and the Dali Lama. Russell Watson call her voice one an angel. Her "Pure" cd is a good place to start.
If you love Female Jazz Vocals check out Lorraine Feather. She has a new album out called Ages, with great reviews, which I haven't heard yet. My favorite so far is her album called Dooji Wooji. Lorraine has an amazing way with lyrics and knows how to turn a phrase. Her voice is powerful and extremely beautiful voice. Just an amazing talent. I highly recommend her to anyone who really loves female jazz vocals.
Ella Fitzgerald-All time greatest. Anita O'Day. Sarah Vaughn. Deborah Voigt. Dame Joan Sutherland. Maria Callas. Leontyne Price.
All good choices Craig...though of these Ella is my favorite, followed by Sassy Sarah.
A newer one to look into is Melody Gardot, I've mentioned her on A'Gon before...let us know what you think.

Although this might be an acquired taste, I think Holly Cole's Temptation CD from the mid 90's is really great. Spare production, good sonics and engaging interpretations of some of Tom Wait's best material.
I gotta go with the Holly Cole citation. There are some tracks I have that are absolutely wonderful.
Give Brazil some consideration .

Bebel Gilberto
Sabrina Malheiros
Marcella Mangabeira
Rosalia De Souza

for starters
Thanks. I'll see what I can find. Sabrina's voice seems to float over the music.
For those of you who haven't heard my rants...Renee Olstead is one of the most talented females EVER.
She has two albums--Self titled and Skylark...both excellent, with great orchestrations. David Foster of Celine, Streisand, Bublé, Groban producing fame, helped to get her proper help in finding her 'voice' as a stylist.
First and foremost, I usually have to fall in love with the 'voice'...then I begin to appreciate the styling--this kid has it all.
She does a duet with Peter Cincotti...'Breaking Up Is Hard To Do'...Neil Sedaka's old '60s song.
Whereas Neil did it as an up tempo tune, they do the duet in a slow ballad, and it's remarkable.
You will NOT regret buying Rene's work, it's really, really remarkable.

Good listening,
Renee Olstead -- not bad when the Lolita sound is subdued. Otherwise, another Lolita voice.