Responses from rnwong
Any audio clubs near Orange County, CA? Dear icanthear, I just moved to North Tustin . I am interested in meeting other audiophiles. Just set up my system. Interested in contacting other audiophiles. Thanks. Ron | |
Synergistic Research Black fuese I am currently using the SR Blue, They are an improvement over the blacks. The best fuse I have tried are the Audio Magic Bees wax fuses. I have had such a high failure rate with them that I stopped using them and am hesitant to buy any more... | |
HFTs or more fuses Agree totally. The SR Black Ac outlet replaced the Furtech Rhodium GTX and that was another step up. I think clean AC delivery is a major step in the right direction | |
HFTs or more fuses Sometimes it's hard to isolate one variable. Having HFT's placed front,back , side ,and ceiling with the Atmosphere does definitely change the sound field. That being said, the biggest change has been changing over to the Audio Horiziong premium ... | |
Synergistic Research Upgrades Thanks for the differentiation as to the HFT's sound characteristics. I also have all four corners bass trapped. Any guidance on how you determined which HFT's to remove and replace with the HFT 2.0's.? I have about 15 regular HFT's situated on f... | |
Synergistic Research Upgrades . The HFT's on the speakers also help. My other audio buddy swears by the HFT's on the head shell of phono cartridge. | |
Synergistic Research Upgrades Thanks for the input. Currently using the HFT's along with traditional acoustic treatments of absorption/reflection. Getting a very balance and neutral sound field for a small/medium sized room. Any input as to the difference between the fir... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Thanks for all the posts. I have the Reds in my preamp and amps and they were a definite leap over the Hi-fi tuning. Question:. Is it during or after the "break-in" period that one would reverse the fuse and see if it makes an improvement? If you ... | |
Synergistic Research Black fuese Thanks | |
Tone of Muisc, SF - worst hifi experience. Yours? I have delt with Tim multiple times over the last two years through my brother who has delt with him more than twice that time. I have always been treated with utmost respect and courtesy. Combined sales from Tim sales to myself, my brother and ... | |
BMC PureUSB1 Cable... Myself and four of our listening group members have switched to the BMCPureUSB1 cable after numerous comparisons with other USB wires.. One of our group switch from the Audioquest Diamond USB wire after hearing this wire. For the price is hard to ... | |
Stage III Concepts Power Cords PC Chris' power cords are indeed excellent. Hard to beat for the price/benefit ratio. I have auditioned Chris' power cords against the Kraken and Levithan. Having the Stage III Kraken and Levithan power cords in my system has taken the system to a de... | |
Personal speaker evolution LS35aChartwell LS35aUnity FountainheadsMagnepan 3.5 RTidal Contriva DiceraAcapella Violin Cello Mk2Acapella Violin Cello Mk 4Franco Serbelin Ketemas | |
VIVID AUDIO SPEAKERS I have added a pair of the REL S/3 subwoofer to accompany the Vivid 1.5, driven by Luxman MQ88 and CL88 along with the Luxman DA-06 dac. Very coherent ... The RELs just add impact and body. | |
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope? The usual complaint was "aren't you done buying stuff?"!!! Until both our dear mothers died and left us some monies . NOW... She has her inheritance pot and I have mine. The complaints essentially stopped. The rebuttal to any complaints is..."am I... |