Best Entry Tonearm for Oracle V

Just wondering if anyone has any feedback for the best entry level tonarm for $1000 for an Oracle V I am about to order. The Origin Live Silver and the VPI JMW 9 arms seem to be two great arms.... I have never had a unipivot arm though and don't know if the tonarm wire junction box on the JMW would be too far from the tonearm board on the Oracle plinth a few inches down-thus pulling at the wire-and suspension (assuming I understand this correctly). Also, I understand the unipivot such as the JMW has a different sonic sig than, say the OL Silver. Anyhow, any feedback and suggestions is greatly appreciated.
A good used Graham 2.2 will sound very nice for the money .I run a Graham Phantom , just awesome sounding.
The SME-309 is an excellent tonearm Mike. I can't think of a cartridge with which it will not outperform the OL Silver.

As Pauly posted, the Moerch is a good choice as well.

Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback all, yes I've heard that the SME 309 is better than an OL Silver. Also heard that the JMW 9 is not universally liked. The anti-skate looks a bit tricky, also the cable junction box seems like another connection, though I guess many arms have them and maybe it is better for the suspension-a long as it doesn't pull on the arm from the top of the bearing part. I'll use my previous cart to start, an IQ 2.

Mranfft. I used a Morch UP4 on my Delphi V and it seemed to be a very good match.

What cart are you thinking of using?
