The oppo 971 w/latest firmware beat out the Denon 5910 in the latest testing on the secrets dvd player bnechmark scores. However, I have personally and throughly tested it against the Denon 3910, Pioneer DV-59AVi, Esoteric DV-50S, Panasonic S97, and many others in my system and the Oppo has the "closest to HD 1080i telecast" picture I have seen from any of these units. The audio is really good too if used as a transport, but with all these dvd players for the most part (with the exception of the DV-50S for example) the audio needs to be addressed through mods. The oppo has a DVI connector on it, but they include a DVI to HDMI cable with the unit. DVI and HDMI are backwards compatible video-wise. The other great thing about the Oppo layer is that customer service is extremely helpful for player setup. I have not heard of anyone having to send theirs back to oppo for repair services except for one person and it was a easy and painless fix. Try getting that with the major players out there, I have heard alot of horror stories with some of the popular manufacturers.
I say oppo all the way! Best bang for the buck!