Best Covers



Replying to the Original Poster.


Is this thread only for Whiter Shade Of Pale covers?

Satisfaction by Blue Cheer on Outsideinside (1968).  Listened to it yesterday on CD.

Peter Gabriel (w/New Blood Orchestra) cover of Mirror Ball by Elbow.

Part of his Scratch My Back and I’ll Scratch Yours project. 

Shelby Lynne covering Dusty Springfield "Breakfast in Bed" off Just A Little Lovin'

Hans Theessink covering Led Belly "My Girl" off Songs From The Southland

Yuri Honing Trio covering The Police "Walking On The Moon" off Star Tracks

Chris Cornell covering Led Zepplin "Thank You" off Songbook - really good!

Seal covering Jimi Hendrix "Hey Joe" off The Rare Collection

Bono covering The Beatles "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" off Across The Universe 

Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart covering Willie Dixon "You Shook Me" off Truth

Yep, all day long...