Best budget $100 - 200 Phono Pre-amp?

I was wondering which of the "budget" phono pre-amps is best. I am considering the NAD, Pro-ject, Music Hall, Creek OBM8 or the Goldring. Any ideas?
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If the stock Sovtech 12AX7 is found wanting, you can always roll another one in. One could always question whether a two tube circuited preamp is providing identical signal handling capabilities without a matched set - and even then ...
The review in HI-FI+ gave it a thumbs up on channel separation, but in the end you're right - we are talking about a $160 (street) phono stage. But for those whose systems don't provide tape outs and headphone jacks, I think this little puppy is worth a look.
Would this compromise channel separation - either substantially or subtlely? (Or am I asking for too much at $160? for a phono stage? : - )
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As I understand it, and audiogoner "Newbee" might be better at explaining it, the symmetrical structure of a vacuum tube allows for addressing two distinct signal paths. In the case of the VP-129, one would have to count on a high degree of structural symmetry between the two halves for channel balance.
Bellari's VP-129 tube preamp - about $160 new.
Single 12AX7 preamp tube. It has a switchable rumble filter and signal mute as well as a 1/4" stereo out for headphones. Nice review from HiFi+ last month. A little utilitarian in styling. Color - Fire Engine Red.
I an mot an expert but, if you dare with the DIY, I'v seen what seems to be quite good. Just go to the following page:

You also have an english version of the page
Is a solid state pre phono, if you want ia a vacuum tube preamplifier here you have one:

good luck
I agree with Nrenter and Viridian: The Musical Fidelity X-LPS is a great inexpensive phono pre. I had one on loan from a dealer two years ago while I waited for a Krell KPE Reference to arrive. It was very smooth, detailed and dynamic, much better than the Parasound ph100 I hed been using up to that point. Plus it has the small military tubes to ptovide that great bloom and warmth quality.
Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 Special Edition $199 right now on the 'Gon.

Have heard/read very good things about it. Lists for $350 or so.
Stay away from the Rotel RQ970BX. This was my first phono stage and I found it to be noisy and lacking of detail.

I agree with Viridian - find a used Musical Fidelity X-LPS or X-LP2. I had an X-LPS and, for the money, thought it was great.
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Vlad1456, are you DIYer? $200 buys you all the parts necessary to build EAR834 clone.
If you are not, then look into used ones. B&K Phono 10 is not bad.
Rotel RQ970BX. Positive reviews site surprisingly high quality parts and overachieving sound quality. It does sound better than anyone should expect for $200 retail.
Hagerman Bugle, although it is a DIY 1/2 KIT. About $100-125 for the 9V battery power. About $175 to build one with the 15V AC power supply. You'd think with parts cost alone you'd be ahead off all the commercial <$200 units and probably a lot of the <$500 ones as well. It's supposed to be in "Black Cube" territory from what I've read.
spend an extra $25 and get an Antique Sound Labs Mini Phono.

Excellent sounding, and a super bargain.
After listening to NAD, Project, and Creek, the Rega fono was the best. Used = $180. Not easy to find though.