Best Bike to ride before a good listening session

Ellsworth Truth, of course
Well, despite the cooler and wet weather I have managed to get a few rides on my new R3. All I can say it is amazing. Fast, rigid, light, and surprisingly comfortable. Just sweet going up hill (under 16 lbs loaded). And all the roads feel like they were newly paved, whether they were or not. Beautiful in the turns. Love the compact crankset. No complaints, other than it took 4 months to get. see picture on my system page
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I'm on a tricked out Giant advanced TCR. at 14lbs (yes actual weight on a scale) it is a pleasure in the Bay Area hills
My new Cervelo R3 with DuraAce, FSA Compact Crank, FSA K-wing handlebars. 15.4 lbs without cages. Too bad it just arrived yesterday (on back order) ... As winter approaches I may just get to look at it sitting in my audio room.
Any bike is a good bike to ride before a good sound session.

I once had a Klein Attitude, but sold it due to my propensity to flip over the handle bars. Next in line was a GT GTS, full suspension with a carbon fiber frame, That did not survive my collision with a large elm tree.

I now ride a Banshee Scirocco on dry trails, and a souped up trek 930 in the mud.

To tell you the truth, I really love the feel of the steal frame. It does not beat me up at all, and gets me home without a tender rump.

This makes sitting down during a listening session, much more pleasant.
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Unfortunately, up here in the North East (Nova Scotia), the mornings are getting real nippy for ridign. Single digit Celsium at 0600 for our morning group rides. Even my 0700 am ride today felt cold with my arm warmers and vest. But, it is still great getting out on the bike. Hard to believe the summer is almost over. Before we know, it will be pretty cold and I will appreciate the heat coming off my Lamm 1.2's. For now, I haven't had much time to listen to music, as I'm riding more and going to bed early so I can get some early rides in before work.

Next week, I off to Barcelona for work. I will be stopping in Girona for a couple of days before the meeting to ride some of the training rides of the American riders (Armstrong, Hincapie, Landis, Hamilton, Barry etc. ) I guess I won't need a map ... just follow the EPO and testosterone vials by the side of the road. Too bad I won't have my new Cervelo R3 to take with. (still on order) Perhaps it will arrive a week after my return.

Riding in Girona
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Probably the Giant TCR 0. Incredibly fast bike. (The rider is no Lance Armstrong, however.)
Ellsworth Truth or
Multistrada 1000DS S. Eveything sounds better with Ohlins, ja?
I got a 2002 Giant XTC NRS TEAM, fully equipped with XTR 2006, Crossmax XL Disc and FOX FLOAT RLC 100mm. I just have end up my "Camino de Santiago", from France to Galicia (Spain). Unbelievable aluminium friend!
Thanks. Arthritis is kicking my butt and Vertigo started yesterday(I may have BPPV caused by bits of calcium floating in the inner ear).
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I had to sell my '98 Trek carbon which had Reynolds carbon wheelset(with only 10 miles on them), Carbon Record gruppo(with FSA Team Issue crank), SLR saddle, Easton Carbon bars/seatpost and magnesium post for the handlebar and "Lance pedals". All sold for $2200!
Italian custom Grandis vintage 1989, full Dura-Ace except Mavic hubs and rims. Just like driving a Ferrari!
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After selling the Litespeed I picked up a Specialized Crossroads and really enjoy it.
It has now been 22 months since my accident. Since then I have had 18 surgeries and lost my right lower legÂ…What is left of my CT1 still hangs in my office.

But do not despair for me! I am happier then ever and relatively healthy. I even went for my first (short) bike ride a few weeks ago. I finally got back to work some 13 months after the accident and even found a new and better job a couple of months after that. My wife and I are in the process of adopting our first child for which we are very very excited.

My systems sound better then ever and I am still reviewing for Positive Feedback...

Funny how spending a month in intensive care fully intibated with your family and friend surrounding you every moment of the day can change your life for the better!!
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The one Floyd Landis jumped on in the middle of today's epic TDF stage. It must have been magic because he really "pulled on out of his, uhh, hat" today!

BTW, for anyone that cares about bicycle racing, what Floyd did today is nearly unimaginable!


Jamis Eureka ...fitted with hybrid tires for pounding the W/OD Trail. Did I mention you can ride to the Old Dominion brewery from this trail :)

Happy Trails my Friends!
Well its shaping up to be a very exciting tour after all. Again, like last year I have been glued to OLN,, and, instead of listening to music. And when I'm not watching the tour, I am riding my Trek 5200 a lot more this year.

Unfortunately, I have been also looking around in a couple of bike stores recently. So, I decided to defer my turntable or replacing my PC's, and instead I ordered a new bike yesterday:

Cervelo R3 road bike. Like emmlabs, I am proud that it is Canadian and in fact, is made in my home town, Toronto.
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I also committed sacrilege as I own this frame with the Dura -Ace group set. I LIKE Dura-Ace. It is just like the tube VS. SS gear arguement. Get the C40!
Jb8312, I hope that you recover soon. While living in Italy, I purchased a CT1 with the Geo paint scheme, from a former Italian pro racer who owns a shop outside of Florence. I did, however, commit sacrilege as Tvad suggests, because I had the 25th Anniversary Dura-Ace groupset on it. Phenomenal bicycle, that was.

I recently had neck surgery, after being convinced that I would not be able to ride again. But I'm back on the bike, after riding hardly at all for the past couple of years. Went for a two-hour ride today, as a matter of fact. You'll be back, I know it.

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Colnago CT1...until I was nearly killed (and that is no exageration) 10 monts ago..still not back on my audio is all I got..and I was into cycling WAY more than audio...
Built in 1983 Pinarello frame with a Campy record group. Finally upgraded this year to a Honda Shadow Aero.
Goheelz, I agree with you on the Merlin MTB hardtails as being just about the best there is. Have not seen or ridden a Seven though and thats where Rob Vandermark went (started up I think) after he left Merlin.

Boa2, agreed on the Discovery team as being the "it" team. I guess if there was a team to pull it off for Lance this year they are it.
Vintage 1995 Merlin Titanium MTB w. Dura Ace gruppo and Bontrager wheelset. Best hardtail of them all?
Same thing happened year. I lose track, maybe it was '03. After the early TTT, the first 6 or 7 spots in the GC belonged to USPS, with Lance in second place, and then taking the yellow only a day or two later. They tried to make a story out of "will he hold his lead in the mountains," and he simply crushed everyone else. Anything can happen, but his form and his team have never been better. As if the crew wasn't enough, they've added Popovych & Savoldelli as domestiques! This is the A-Team, if ever there was one.

Just got a new ride myself: Dean El Diente Super-Lite 6/4 Ti
Anyone else watching the Tour think its a little early for Lance to be in Yellow? Seems out of character for him to take it so early, he typically waits until everyone is spent then makes his run. I don't know, just would make me less nervous to see him take it after Stage 10 or 11 and hang on to it.

Regardless, the guy is machine. I hope he does it again.
No time to listen tonight ... Had to watch the TTT on OLN, as I learned 'bout Zabriskie's crash and Lance is back in Yellow !

Meanwhile, my missing Z-slab shelves have finally arrived for my Zoethecus rack ... I wish I had time to set up and finally get the emmlabs gear off the floor.
Perhaps, between riding my bike (if the rain stops) and watching Lance go for his 7th, my power bill should decrease during July as I probably will have less time to listen to music !
I have seen no reason to replace my 1992 Trek 5200. Although, the Madone 5.9 SL sure looks sweet.
My ti Eddy is a sweet ride when the trails are too wet. And sure it's not about the bike....I enjoy music through my oem stereo in my car, but it's just a bit more deep when run through good gear.
Ha, it's all just self-delusion! You know in your heart that all bikes ride the same. I bet in a BMX test you couldn't tell any of them apart ;-)