hi, i have in this moment a ayon cd5s cdplayer with built in preamplifier , pass x250 amps and wilson sasha speaker ( i love sasha), i want a new and better amplifier, the options are two, pass xa100.8 monoblocks or cary 211fe monoblock, what is the better option for the sasha?, your opinion please
You can find for a big part what I use. I wrote many reviews. I am not going to repeat it over and over again.

Tru-Fi is a lot more effective. You are welcome to visit me.
bo1972" ... I am not going to repeat it over and over again.'

You've never once mentioned details on your mythical "True-Fi" premise.

You wrote, " I seldom talk about my set ... I never will talk in details about my own developed Statement Audio Pro measurement. ... We will never tell in details how we do it ... I see audio as a game."

It's a game you're playing alone, Bo.

It's obvious, that Wilson speakers have the ability to severely scar some people. 

I had a similar experience from the owner of a hi-end shop in Sydney that had the retailer-ship taken away from them, before that they couldn't heap enough praise for them.

Cheers George      

I believe bo1972 owns Pass Labs amplifiers, AudioQuest Wel Signature speaker and interconnect cables, Purist power cables, some form of Audyssey, and Monitor Audio speakers. I’m not sure what model Pass Labs or Monitor Audio speakers he has. If I’m correct, I submit his equipment is highly thought of. I own Monitor Audio PL500’s and they are by far the best speaker that I’ve ever owned. The PL500’s are some of the best speakers I’ve heard... Again, no absolutes in audio, but that’s my opinion based on listening.
The issue isn't his equipment, it's the constant disparaging of other gear, chest-thumping about his own self-proclaimed prowess in audio, and endless infomercial approach.  The OP wants to know what amplification people would suggest for his speakers, not to be told his speakers suck.
and dartzeel 8550 integrer amplifier is a good option for sasha, can work this speakers ?
Yes, the OP has made it clear that the Sasha is ideal for him  and his choice should be respected.  Bo you make some good observations regarding 2 dimensional vs 3 dimensional sound capabilities of audio equipment.  I suggest that you initiate a separate thread on this topic. 
several people asked for Bo to list his equipment, so I did. I don't agree with his tone either. I think it's funny how so many want to dictate how individuals respond to a post and that's why I sent the OP a PM, essentially saying the same thing as Bo, but in a nicer way. So if based on my experience I submit there are better options than Sasha's, why wouldn't I share my thoughts with the OP? He's not required to take my advice, but it is food for thought. If you read some of my previous post, it's clear that I've owned several Wilson speakers and I got highly offended when individuals, including Bo said something negative about them. Once I sold them and started listening to different speakers, I realized that everyone had an opinion and there was no reason for their opinion to invalidate my own. This is a very subjective hobby and no one, including Bo can create a system that everyone likes. 
I agree with p59teitel.  Bo is simply being bombastic and preachy.  In a post unrelated to this one, someone asked about a cd transport.  Rather than say ALL TRANSPORTS SUCK AND YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR CONSIDERING ONE, I politely enquired if he had considered moving to a hard drive and steamer based digital solution.  After this polite and encouraging question, I waited for his response before I continued down a path that was not at all what he was originally asking for.  In fact he was interested and the conversation evolved, and I think was appreciated.

Bo, please take note.  We are mostly strangers participating in a conversation.  Stay polite and humble and your ideas will be well received.  I want to hear them!  But I don't want to be blasted by someone who seems self absorbed, over-caffeinated, and with a megaphone glued in position!  

To quote Sam Neil in The Big Lebowski, "Take her easy dude."

ey guys , your attention please, the post is only in reference to the power can work with the sashas,  dartzeel 8550 is a good option?..
orion - have you contacted Wilson to get their direct input as to what you are trying to achieve with your speakers to see what they'd recommend?
dartzeel 8550 integrated amplifier is a good option?, can drive the sasha?
I have no knowledge of the sonics of the DarTZeel CTH-8550 integrated amplifier, but I don’t see any technical issues that would arise pairing it with the Sasha. However, some of John Atkinson’s comments in the measurements section of Stereophile’s review would certainly cause me to think twice before spending $25K or so to buy it. Starting with the fact that the top and sides became too hot to touch after running for 45 minutes at 1/3 of its rated power into 8 ohms. And the statement that "even with no signal, the CTH-8550’s chassis gets very warm after a while" seems extremely inconsistent with the unit’s 45 watt specified power consumption when idling, especially given its 64 pound weight. Those things aren’t necessarily show-stoppers, of course, but they would certainly cause me to wonder what other issues might be lurking in the design.

I looked up the manufacturer’s response that was provided by Mr. Deletraz in the August 2009 print edition of Stereophile, in which the review appeared, and the response did not include any comments about the temperature issues JA cited.

-- Al

Hi facten, Yes, I have written to wilson, but they have a neutral position does not give an opinion, the problem is that I live in Argentina and offers are limited, pass labs, cary 211fe or dartzeel 8550, someone dartzeel use with sasha?
Orion, I drive my Sashas with Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 integrated. Plenty of power and current. Bombproof build. I love the combo and highly recommend you try to audition the amp. It is outstanding in my opinion.
When I had my Sasha’s I called Wilson Audio and they wouldn’t recommend any components. Some manufacturer’s do, but many won’t. I’m curious, I understand your cd5s has a built in preamplifier, but have you tried or thought of trying a preamp?
The Sashas work with many more amplifiers than their measurements would suggest. Read Art Dudley's review in Stereophile available on the Stereophile website. Of those available to you, Pass Labs has a number of amplifiers that will excel with the Sashas.
Yes, I referenced Art Dudley's review in an earlier post. Very interesting insights. 
I have Sashas powered by Pass XA-160.5's. Wonderful match.  I agree with other posts that the older XA100.5 would be lacking along with most tube amps (unless very high wattage mega-buck units).  The newer XA100.8 is more capable than the XA100 Point 5, so I think you would be fine driving the very low impedance below 100 Hz, which is less than 1.8 Ohms. 
You could buy a valve amplifier with an output transformer to get the impedance and current drive you need to drive the Sasha. You’ll adore the ’warm’ sound, a.k.a harmonic distortion, and convince yourself it is ’technically pure’, even though the amplifier is technically not capable of fulfilling the requirements of the speaker.

Alternately, you could buy a high current, low damping factor solid state amplifier that is ’technically pure’, but perhaps you won’t enjoy the sound so much.

What does you ear like the sound of?

Listen, be happy, buy it.

I have owned a pair of Sasha's for a number of years.  I had heard them at shows and dealers and just liked the way they play music.  I just upgraded my amps from the Cary 500MB solid state monoblocks to the new PS Audio BHK 300 monos.  (The Carys put out 500 watts into 8 ohms, 1000 into 4 ohms.). The change with the PS Audio amps include greater detail and separation among the instruments, a slightly warmer sound (which I like) and a wider soundstage.  There is no question about enough power, the bass is melodic and very present.  And they're not even fully broken in yet!
I am patiently hoping somebody (singular and plural ) could answer the original question precisely and in a manner that would settle the issue for orionpcgames.  Allow me to repeat his question "hi, i have in this moment a ayon cd5s cdplayer with built in preamplifier , pass x250 amps and wilson sasha speaker ( i love sasha), i want a new and better amplifier, the options are two, pass xa100.8 monoblocks or cary 211fe monoblock, what is the better option for the sasha?, your opinion please"
and i would also benefit
It seems that the question has been answered. On paper the Pass Labs XA 100.8  is the better choice given the documented challenging speaker load impedance characteristics of the Sasha. It has also been acknowledged that actually listening to the amplifiers driving the Sasha is the only way to truly determine which is better sounding.

The OP could prefer the Cary 211 to the Pass once he’s heard both despite the apparent Pass advantage if judged solely on known measurement and specifications and then extrapolating from that information.   What else is there to say? He’ll have to listen to both amplifiers for a definitive answer. What more can a forum provide for a subjective topic?
thank you Charles .
 Hoping for other Sasha owners who tried either of OP's 2 amplifier choices to share their experience.  I would imagine a few  Audiogon members have Wilson / Pass Labs combination, and either have not seen this thread or busy at the moment.
Maybe Charles does not have the opportunity to audition these amplifiers with his speakers and relying on opinions.
Really, it will still be a matter of You’re own discretion. There are trade offs both ways. There is no such thing as perfect audio, Or, a prefect sound system, perfect software, or, for that matter perfect live performances. What are you after, in amassing a system? What are you’re objectives? Sometimes, the more complicated, sophisticated things are the absolute worse. You are the final arbiter, as to what sounds good to you! Not a thousand folks, who are running through equipment at the drop of a hat, and their opinions, may serve to confuse, or complicate things even more. My opinion.....Do some listening to a variety of music, with both the Pass, and the Cary, come to your Own conclusions....and don’t look back. 
An update, I bought a cary 211fe amplifiers, the combination with the Wilson Sasha 1 is incredible , the sound is fantastic, very detailed and natural with a lot of resolution and magic. Cary 211faith+Wilson Sasha 1 approved
Early in this thread much caution was expressed toward use of the Cary 211 push pull tube amplifier and for very legitimate reasons. Georgelofi and Almarg rightly noted the Sasha’s specifications and difficult speaker load characteristics. Although I cited the Stereophile review by Art Dudley who said that the Sasha was superb with the 25 watt tubed Shindo amplifier, there still was ample reason to be skeptical about choosing the Cary. Particularly knowing that it is a no NFB design amplifier to boot.

On paper judging the available specifications you’d think that the Cary to be a risky option with a good chance of a poor sonic outcome. Once again nothing beats actually listening to reach a verdict regarding the suitability of an audio product. One could argue that perhaps the Pass amplifier would have been equally good or even better. Moot point at this juncture, the Cary and Wilson pairing  is "incredible " in your opinion and that’s the bottom line. I’m very happy for your fabulous results . I suspect that this combo of amplifier and speakers will keep you pleased for many years. 
Post removed 
Sasha's need power and control.  The built in preamp idea is cute but that needs to change as well.  I would go Krell or ARC for this system.  Krell will deliver accurate tone and grip with great soundstaging.  ARC will emphasize bloom and dynamic swing.  Tubes can be a pain over time...always changing character and on the decline.  Cables must allow the system to breathe and expand and deliver lifelike color and dynamics....Transparent or MIT will do this better than most others.  Power cords need to be up to snuff as well.  Ayon as a CD player may be ok but a Krell Cipher or an ARC spinner would be closer to SOTA!  Strong opinions?  Yes...because I've been down your road more than a few times and tried to patch together a system with almost the right gear, which will leave you frustrated and feeling like you wasted your money.  Do it right now and avoid the constant changes and frustration.
Orionpcgames's comments from 07/13/2016 would suggest anything but frustration and wasting money.  To the contrary he's "-extremely "happy" with his current system. He used the words incredible, fantastic and magic.  Seems to me  he's ecstatic with his sonic results. 
yes charles, sasha and cary 211 is a magic combination, pass is muscle car in comparation
Why why does he look for improvement then?  Aton wt built in pre:() perhaps?

Hi Dave,
I don’t understand your comment.  He just purchased the Cary amplifiers and expressed his joy in the updated post on 07/13.
Those Sasha's demand more space to breathe, especially left and right of the speakers.  Cables?
I call Sasha a "pretty" sounding speaker it ticks all of those audiophile boxes in terms of what a speaker should do like detail, bass and soundstaging. Doesn't sound like live music but tries gives it's best interpretation. Heard it best with Simaudio stack. Also Devailet was ok. Enjoy😃