Best $4-7K speaker for HT and music?

Looking for a speaker set at $4-7K price point for use PRIMARILY in HT setup and SECONDARILY for music. Center channel is a separate budget. Seems to me the contenders are:

ProAc 2.8
Verity Fidelio (what to use for a center though?)
KEF 203 or 205
B&W 803
Audio Physic Virgo

Any comments?
Avantgarde Solos. Amazing sound, and saves you dough on the amps. Three across the front will be magical...
if waf wasnt so important, then vandersteen 2 or 3. otherwise, totem, aerial, proac are worth considering.
keep your eyes open for used vandersteen 5, and have it all.
I own legacy Focus and Classics. They outperform any speaker I have heard at any price. That includes Vanderseens and B & W. The legacy folks have raised the prices of these units about 50 percent in the last few years, as they have tried to develop a dealer following as opposed to their direct selling process a few years ago. But even at these higher prices, they are tremendous bargains when compared to the over $10,000 speakers. incidentally, The Classic at half the price Of the Focus comes very close To Focus performance. So, if you want to save $3000 and not miss much Get a Pair of Classics
Ill go for the Martin logan odyssey, this are both good
for HT and music, well design and very very good speaker
Look at Genelec. Active speakers that were originally for the professional market. They start at $600 per channel or per speaker and go all the way up to 20K.
Don't forget the Coincident Speaker Technology line. The Super Eclipse, and especially the Total Eclipse, would certainly be on my short list for HT/audio applications. Good luck.
VMPS RM40 and Focus 20/20...They are huge speakers(especially RM40) but you and your wife just have to get used to big speakers..
Disclaimer: I am a Talon dealer.

Make sure you add the Talon Raven-C to your list.

Let me know if you have specific questions.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
I forgot to mention...WAF is hugely important. I think it might take Legacy out of the running.
AP virgos all the way bro. I picked up a pair on a'gon for $2200.00. You have plenty of dough left over for the center channel, too. Soundstage kings and accurate as heck.
I agree with Timo 100%, Legacy Audio Focus 20/20. They will give you huge spl's and stay audiophile all the way. I think they run about $6200.