@audio2design We'd a 160 with a Grace arm and AT95 cartridge and it was great. Bright and clear and musical. For $275, and clean, it's worth it.
Bent Slightly Out of Shape
I scored an almost-mint Thorens TD-160 turntable last week and remembering back to the one I owned in the mid-70s, an ADC cartridge sounded very good on it. I found an ADC XLM Mk II for a reasonable price on Audio Asylum Trader and picked it up. The cartridge looks to be in good shape, other than the cantilever/stylus assembly is slightly skewed, not dead-ahead straight. My thinking is that when playing records, it will be pulled back to the correct angle by the groove-walls. Does that make sense or is it just wishful thinking? I went ahead and bought a brand-new Grado Blue also just as insurance, but I really want to install the ADC.
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