Bell Canto C5i Integrated Amp with B&W Nautilus 803 Speakers. A Question

The B&W speakers are rated at 90db....8 OHMs .

The manual states Power requirement is 50-250 watts.

My question is :

The Bell Canto is 60 watts at 8 OHM's. High voltage

When doing my research, I have been told that more power is needed

for the B & W 's.

 Opinions ...will this amp be sufficient for the B&W 's?

Thank you


Showing 1 response by rhljazz

Your amp will be seriously underpowered for the intended application.  Nothing wrong with class D amplification, in fact I prefer it with my B&W along with a tube preamp.  IME 200 watts would be a minimum figure.  
A loud listening level for me is in the lower 80db range with peaks in the lower 90 db range.  Normal listening levels are 5-10 db less than that.  So, the power required is not for head banging sound levels.  The power is necessary for a balanced sound output.  Not enough power results in thinness and over- emphasis of the top end.  I currently have N802 and Concept 90 in two of my systems so I’m not talking theoretically or repeating ridiculous crap like you need Classe or McIntosh amps to match B&W.

