Bedini BA-801 schematic?

Searching for a Bedini BA-801 schematic. Anybody have any links?
Ag insider logo xs@2x1280z
I can tell you after knowing John Bedini for quite some time that he will not share diagrams.....He gave me some but I had to promise to never share them with anyone........John had so much technical information stolen from him ..........The crooks in audio made him that way.....Its kind of sad because he had so much to share in knowledge.........autospec 
I've emailed Bedini twice with no answer yet ... can't find a working phone#. I signed up for their newsletter, I'll let you know if I find the schematic.
I need a schematic, too. Can't trace a hum problem. I understand this is a common problem for the BA-801.
Try doing a google search and select the images filter. Sometimes people post images of user manuals.