Battle of the Open Baffles

Watching Jay's video today about the Maco Acoustics speakers, and saw the Caladan's late last year.  Seems like open baffle death match is brewing...


I just jumped into the OB world with some Tri-Art Open 5's and I'm really impressed so far with the sound I'm getting. So I'm now an OB fan. 

I'm not sure about brands based of LII audio drivers but i have heard some of Lii's stuff and they sounded good if not that refined, granted that was a while ago so things may have improved. I found the Lii 15" to be nice over all but lacking in extension and ultimate detail level. Build quality was ok but not great. 

I've also owned some speakers that Jay owned / reviewed and he thought were fantastic and they were rather basic sounding and not overly well made IMO. so his opinions are taken with a grain of salt for me, every other thing he reviews is the next best thing in audio, he's this type of reviewer IMO.