BAT VK-30SE upgrade to 31 SE?

I own a BAT VK-30SE and am considering upgrading to the 31SE. Has anyone heard the 31SE or made the upgrae yet? BAT is telling me it's better than the 50SE.
Hello, I'm the person that Jfrech is referring to that posted on AA. I haven't heard the 50se and the 31se side by side in the same system but I have heard the 31se in a friends system that I'm very familiar with. I think it would be a fair statement to say that overall the 31se is the more musical pre-amp. For those who have the 50se and are thinking about upgrading to the 51se don't hesitate! I can't think of a better way to improve your system for that kind of money. The sonic improvment is substantial. Good luck, Thomas Colato
There is a thread on Audioasylum under the tubes section for the 50-51se. The guy said his 51se update was amazing...