Basis Audio Fans

Has anyone had any contact or dealings with Basis since A.J.'s untimely passing?  I don't hear much about them on the forums or in the press lately.  I own 2 of his tables and a vector 4 tonearm.  Truly great stuff, hope the business goes forward...

Showing 9 responses by daveyf

@mijostyn After the response that I received above from Millercarbon, I think your original post was probably too diplomatic..and nowhere near harsh enough!


IMO, comparing yourself to AJ Conti as a table designer ( as Millercarbon has done) and stating where AJ went wrong and how you do things better is not only laughable, but it is pathetic in the extreme!

BTW, I dont even own a Basis table, so i have no dog in this fight.

Somehow I get the impression that you like Origin Live. Certainly a lot less expensive than Basis, and for some reason it has never gained traction? 

I wonder why??

IMHO, it takes a lot to better a mid range Basis, and the top of the line models are SOTA.

@millercarbon Your post is barely even worth responding to, and frankly i’m not sure why I am bothering considering your condescending attitude..

However,I could assume that you did not mean to be so condescending in your first paragraph and meant to write something different, am i right-- or are you just going on my ignore list?

Guys, I think that if one has a favorite product it is easy to defend it and just as easy to get offended when someone else has an alternative we just evidenced in the posts above.

@millercarbon You mentioned that Mr. Fremer praised the table that you enjoy, while that may be the case, that to me is basically meaningless. Simply because without hearing the piece in my system and in my room, that praise is nothing more than a data point...and nothing I would rely on.

@mijostyn Since we all tend to hear things a bit differently and have our own biases, I can understand where Millercarbon is coming from...if you follow his perspective. Personally, i would agree with you about the machining and quality of the Basis tables, but that may or may not be a factor for Millercarbon...and referencing his speakers could indeed be considered "hate screed", as he puts it.

One thing that continually surprises about this hobby, and it is this, why do folks always tend to assume that others are ignorant about the sound quality that they are looking for and how to get to that place? IMHO...;0)

@millercarbon I am now absolutely 100% certain that your posts are not worth responding to, lmao.

@tomic601 Jim,I am sure you are absolutely correct, I never had the pleasure of meeting AJ, but I am sure that he would have been a person I would have been enamored of. Your story is one that I am not surprised about, as I had heard great things about AJ before. Pity that there is a person on this thread who represents everything that AJ was not!