My preamp has both, XLR Lundahl balanced inputs transformers, since most Digital front ends are balanced ,then on the outputs RCA Because of Linear Tube Audio,originally Designed by David Berning with his unique Micro-Z-OTL output stage ,which the Vacuum tubes run much more efficient ,lower noise ,The team at LTA found over a few years to make it even better a Gen 2 Version , and use the Rays Select 6SN7 vacuum tubes , detailed a bit warmer , and the other tubes 12AT7 or 12AU7 which I am using with some Very rare Medical grade Telefunken tubes a great combo , + using 2 Hifi tuning Supreme CU- Copper Gold - 4 amp 20 mm slow blow fuses on back ,which VH Audio Carry.
and as a good option ,and not too expensive a Hifi tuning Supreme Silver gold 20 mm 3.1 amp Fast blow on the main board
with a AQ Tornado Source power cord ,Exceptional results and a who who of Excellent top notch parts quality which I know very well ,having 40+ years in Audio ,beating preamps at 2x the price $6350 Retail ,Mike at Audio Archon was very helpful , and fair-in pricing.