Back in the vinyl saddle again.

Since my divorce 8 years ago, I have not used my turntable and have been spinning CD's, followed by streaming. As a result, I decided to sell the turntable, along with the roughly 1,000 albums I still had.

To that end I set up the turntable so I could demo it for potential buyers.

Unfortunately, once I played first record, I was hooked again. Now I am mired in another rabbit hole and I am in need of some advice and recommendations.

Current setup is a VPI Scoutmaster (circa 2006) w/JMW 9 arm and a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood MM cartridge. The cartridge is probably overdue for either replacement or retipping. Related equipment are a Musical Fidelity MX-VYNL phono stage, Musical Fidelity M6si integrated, ATC SCM19 speakers and a REL bass array.

My questions are:

1. Should I keep the VPI or sell it and use the money to buy something newer? If I decide to buy, can you recommend any possible replacement? Budget, perhaps $2,000 CDN ($1,500 USD). 

2. If I keep the VPI, can someone please tell me the real effective mass of the JMW 9 (2006 version) I have? I have read it is anywhere between 7.7 and 10.2. Which doesn't really help.

3. Likewise, if I replace the Virtuoso Wood cartridge, what is a good replacement? Either MM or MC. I am considering a Dynavector XX2 MkII if it is a good match for the JMW9. Also, what do you think about buying used cartridges? Is it an option?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Or you could improve your digital end so it sounds as good or better than your analog. That is not that difficult to do at most investment levels these days. 

Or upgrade your phono stage as opposed to upgrading the table. You could retip the cartridge. All this would improve the sound. 

Get a new cartridge. A Hana SL would be a very good affordable choice. Keep the turntable.

" If I keep the VPI, can someone please tell me the real effective mass of the JMW 9 (2006 version) I have? I have read it is anywhere between 7.7 and 10.2. Which doesn’t really help."

JMW 9 UniPivot Tonearm 

  • Bearing Type: Uni Pivot
  • Internal Wire: VPI Copper weave
  • Pivot to spindle: 223mm
  • Effective length: 240.7mm
  • Effective Mass: 10.2g
  • Overhang: 17.7mm
  • Offset angle: 22.85 degrees
  • Average RMS distortion: .36%
  • Material: Aluminum and Steel
  • Product Notes: Adjustable Drop Counterweight, Azimuth side weights, VTA, and Limo Connection.




The 10.2 effective mass is for the later version of the JMW9, not the 2006 version.



My digital end is just fine for now. That is why I was selling the turntable and records.

Aurender N100 to Denafrips Iris DDC to Denafrips Pontus II.

Retipping the Clearaudio cartridge is certainly the least expensive option, but would render me analogless for however long the retipping would take.