Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


Showing 2 responses by audiophilejunkey

I represent the Bacch and have tons of videos about the product in my YouTube channel... Including 3rd party reviews, walkthroughs, interviews with Edgar and more.


I’ve sold dozens of them in just a few months with everyone ecstatic about the results. I would encourage you to visit Edgar’s room at CAF or come to my house in Houston for a demo. I’ve had people come as far as Thailand who have ordered after hearing it.


It’s far from a gimmick and actually what we’ve been listening to for years as "stereo" has actually been the gimmick. No matter how great your gear, you are listening to different degrees of crosstalk that corrupts stereo imaging.


The Bacch doesn’t add any spatial cues not already in the recording, but it eliminates the crosstalk that corrupts you hearing all of it. There are additional benefits in terms of time alignment and fixing comb filtering, but those are secondary to the crosstalk cancellation.


The in-ear measurements and head tracking are two reasons why this exceeds many efforts in the past to correct for crosstalk... Plus it ignores mono material which previous efforts had difficulty addressing.


The bottom line is it’s a product you must hear and likely will buy after an audition. Edgar is the only designer I know who WANTS you to do an A/B demo and facilitates you being able to turn it on and off on the fly to hear for yourself.


My membership section of YouTube has tons of users and we regularly exchange tips in recordings that have spatial cues that the Bacch reveals like no other.


If you can’t audition the Bacch live, I would encourage you to join my YouTube channel membership section where you can talk to existing owners.


Plus, if you are in my group, you can send me a music file and some basic measurements about your speaker distances... Then I can create a Bacch filter for the song and send it back to you to give you a taste of what it sounds like. Obviously, it will only be a taste and you should pick a recording with good spatial cues in the recording, but that’s been as convincing as a live demo for many people.

@emergingsoul you don't have to wear a headset and the interface is actually quite easy... Especially considering Edgar himself walks you through everything the first day and gives unlimited customer support.


Most people never have to touch it after the first calibration other than if you use it for volume control.


If you don't understand what crosstalk is, then that's another matter.  It's been understood well back into the 1960s and others have tried to address is, but the technology, resources, and research Edgar/Princeton brings to the equation is unprecedented.... Hence the superior results.


In short, crosstalk is what your right ear hears from your left speaker and vice versa. It's not complicated in the least.  I understand it may be foreign to you, and thus the tendency is to think it's a gimmick, but you will only be kicking yourself later when you realize how easy it is to understand and implement with products available at different budget ranges.