B&W 800 Series D3 vs D4

Hi,  has anyone here heard or owned both D3 and the latest D4 version of B&W 800 series speakers?  I would love to hear your opinion comparing the 2 versions.   Is it better or worse in all frequency range (high, mid, & bass)?  and is it worth the money to move up from last gen D3 to the current D4?

I currently own a pair of B&W 804 D3, and have been thinking about replacing it with the 803 D4.  So far I'm pretty happy with the 804 D3.  I only wish it has more slam in the bass area.  Also, I don't listen to music very loud anymore.  I have some hearing loss and tinnitus, and loud sound always elevates my tinnitus, so I'm careful with the volume these days,

Anyway,  love to hear your experience if you have heard both D3 and D4. 

Thanks very much!


I got hit with Tinnitus and constant ear ringing 2 years ago when I moved from sea level to high elevation. It’s definitely the upper mids and highs that sound shrill and distorted. In my car, music does not sound shrill and music is easy to listen too. It sounds good but it's a rolled off sound from a 2023 car.

I think both the amp and speakers play an equally important role. I am about to post am discussion to ask about warm sounding integrated amps with dacs. Then once I find one, I will start pairing speakers with them. No speaker will please you if paired with sharp DAC or analytical amp.  Not all tube amps are warm.

PS: I have older B&W 804s and B&W Matrix that I used to love until Tinnitus hit me.




I know this is almost a year later, but I just read it and this might help.

I own the 803 D3. Mine also were a little light in the bass.

A couple of JL Audio subs took care of the problem.

Hope that helps.

Forgot to mention adding the subs also improved imaging, soundstage size, top-to-bottom cohesiveness, basically everything.

Huge bang for the buck.

Try good sub

I have the old timer B&w 800 Matrix.

Added a Nice Rel 812.

Great add a bit of oomph if you like


I've heard every version, and too me, there is not much of a difference from D3 to D4 accept for the price tag. I believe the Matrix version was one of B&W best and it could be had for a fraction of the cost, it sounds better than my Nautius for sure.  B&W has history and R&D behind their company to charge this high prices.

@hiend2 - agree