Ayre K-5xe or Pass XP-10?

I have an ARC LS-2B right now and want to mix things up. Will mate it to my trusty Classe CA-200. Curious to hear your thoughts both pro and con for both preamps.TIA!jay
For that kind of money you really need to audition.  Find a show they are both at and go.  Even better find dealers that understand it's an audition or go to the manufacturers for help.
I have the K5xemp, and can’t give you any cons.  It sounds great and measures about as well as a preamp can measure, a real feat given no global feedback.  

I wish  you could demo them, as that’s the real test.  But since you can’t, I can’t imagine being disappointed with the performance of the Ayre, assuming you are looking for neutrality.

Hi E, thanks, I'm leaning towards the Ayre but have only one shot at this so wanted to ask. I can't have a listen to them unfortunately.HAGWEjay
You know, those two pre's are one's you should listen to.

I personally could not imagine living with a Pass if I could have an Ayre. Others feel the same the other way.
