Respectfully disagree, the reason for having four wires, rather than a single connector, is that there is no standard for the distance between the pins on a cartridge, and even more confounding, there is quite a variation in the diameter of the pins on various cartridges, which means that one needs to have a way to adjust the size of the hole in the connector. Some pins are even offset, in almost a diamond pattern, such as Shure and ADC, while others are in a square pattern.
If I may make a suggestion, when you have the headshell wires disconnected, put a bit of Elmer’s white glue on a toothpick and put a generous drop of it right at the point where the connector is attached to each wire, and let it thoroughly dry. You will minimize the likelihood of breaking off the wires when reattaching them, or changing cartridges. Be sure not to use any adhesives that are reactive with metal or plastics.
Now some may argue that this will change the dialelectric properties of the insulator, but the benefits would, IMHO, outweigh any such concerns. Good luck.