Aurender conductor: unable to delete favorites?

Aurender conductor exhibiting another random act of fail…

I cannot delete any albums or artists from my favorites list. The “heart” icon appears to have lost it’s functionality. Anyone experienced this or have a solution?


Go to your setting. There is a place there to email Aurender with questions and problems. They are very responsive. 

Under Help… Send a Remote Service Request… or something like that?


And you have a network connection?


yes, sir I see it but it’s non responsive. My connection is solid. I rebooted the iPad as well. Something must be up with the Conductor app. 

Sorry I am on vacation so I can’t get into my config. But somewhere in the menus is a button that says something about restarting Conductor… or refresh… or maybe shut down? you click on that, then shut down the app (make it a small window with other running apps and then flick it up)… it takes it out of memory.

This is from ancient memory.. and I am ancient. Otherwise, I am sure you can send a support request via their web site.


They are amazingly responsive, at least from inside Conductor.

As noted above, I suggest you DELETE the Aurender conductor App from your iPad. Next, go to the App Store and search for Aurender Conductor App and reinstall it from scratch. I had similar issues before and this reinstall solved the issues.

This reinstall will ensure you have the most current software version and will reestablish the connection between the Conductor App and the Aurender model.

Please keep us posted.



Reinstalling the app did not solve the issue. I was able to send a support email to Aurender so we’ll see what’s up hopefully soon.

Update: Aurender tech support has identified the bug and is working on a solution.

Cool. They have been really responsive to me as well. Even to a couple stupid questions.

Albums marked as favorites do not appear as favorites.  Aurender customer support reports “App update to fix coming soon”.    



yup. A glitch in the Matrix. Until the next update you can use the Qobuz app to manage your favorites and the changes will reflect when you open up the Conductor app.

Aurender Conductor App update available that fixes adding and deleting Qobuz favorites. I used the App Store to do the update. I then added an album to my favorites and deleted it. Everything works.