Audio research

Audio research ls3 or audio Research sp9 .Any difference in sound .Need a phono stage,have a chance to trade with a friend ls3 for the sp9 ,the sp9 is mint really mint new golden lion 6922s one in line stage and one in phono.What do you think.
Keep in mind the SP9 is not the worlds best sounding Audio research preamp and that was not part of the op's question but the newer Audio research LS1 has the same tube linestage as the SP9 but without the phono stage. There are many people who liked the LS1 and I owned one and eventually moved up to the LS 2 MKII B with remote which I liked even better. Currently I no longer own either one  and have moved up the audio chain.
Just don’t place any stock on the ARC supplied sound quality descriptions. As can be expected, each one is at the same time the best thing ever and much better than its predecessor. 
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 There were a few different versions of the SP9. It should say on the back if it is a mk2 or later. If you email ARC with the serial number, they can tell you what version you have and when it was made. Around 1990 or so ARC stopped putting mounting holes in the face plate.

Thank you Elizabeth obviously you understood my question.I know there is no contest between a reference audio research and a sp9,just wanted to get some input on the two units, its just going to be a trade between a couple of old audiophile buddies ,I,m not spending a cent or will I take a lost at all.He will just take it back if its not to my liking and sell to someone else with one phone call.I am sure it will sound fine I have great speaker cables  power cords interconnect vintage 6922 tubes to try out to hear what works best.I do have a question about the faceplate it looks like a newer one compared to the 1st couples of years.The faceplate looks just like my ls3 accept with the added phono .Would you know which year that unit might have been made,it really does look like brand new mint out of the box.Thanks MAXWELL
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Used to own the SP-9.  Read the Stereophile reviews.  It never lived up to its hype.  ARC  modded it two times. There are SP-9 Mk IIIs floating around out there somewhere

I moved up the ARC line up and landed at the Ref 3, a very good linestage.  I'm currently holding at the Ref 6.

You might want to look around for a used SP-20, which basically has the innards of a Ref 5/LS27 and a PH-8.  Check the reviews.  

In short, I would be circumspect about dropping a grand on the SP-9.
I auditioned the SP9 Mk 2 and found it wanting. Ended up buying an SP14 that was far better.  I'd pass on the SP9 - you can do better.

The SP14 phono stage used exactly one tube, so no issues with trying to find tubes going south, and it sounded good enough that it lived in my main system for a decade before being replaced.

Also, consider a separate phono stage. 

Absolutely,  trade the LS3 for the SP9 and don't look back. I have owned both and do not like the LS3 ss preamp.
Lostbears,Thats just what I was going to do.The guy i might trade with is an old audio buddy.If I decide not to take it he already has a buyer.Would love to try out an ls25 or a ref 5se but way out of price range. For the used price of 500 to 600 hundred bucks I think it might work great.Will probably update caps and a few other things later,I have an awesome tech three miles away.But thank you for your suggestions,its a great hobby to many people are missing out.

 Why not borrow the SP9 and listen to it in your system for a few days. That is the only way you will know for sure.

 Preamps have come a long way in the last 30 years, even in the last 10 years. I owned a SP9 in the late 1980s. Most of my later preamps were much better. The Audio Research LS25 mk2 I had was a huge improvement over the SP9. Not to mention my current Ref 5se which is infinitely better.

 If it were me, I would keep the LS3 and buy a separate phono preamp for now. Later I would consider maybe upgrading the LS3 .

I owned the ARC SP9 MK II  for about 18 months and I would consider it a decent sounding preamplifier but nothing more. I subsequently replaced it with the Quicksilver full function preamplifier which was better in every respect with digital/CD  and analogue records.

This was over 20 years ago. Although the Quicksilver is no longer my main preamplifier it still works flawlessly. The SP9 was also IMO clearly outperformed by the ARC REF 2 and 3 models owned by a couple of friends.
“Much better sonically than present day production!”


Did you had an chance to compare SP9 with LS28 or Ref6? 
Get the SP9 and replace those modern tubes with some vintage 6DJ8's/6922's. Sylvania, Amperex, Philips ... Much better sonically than present day production!
SP9 is considered a classic ARC preamp. Do the trade! I have an even older SP6 that I like better than any of the overpriced new ARC preamps! All of these from the SP2 to the SP15 will become desirable to collectors!