Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 

@kren Agree. Fair question. I've seen sales online and w/local dealers as a result of a need to compete in a new environment and to keep cash flowing. Some specifically mention the "changed environment" but whether it's precisely due to COVID is of course a red herring side issue.
You may find some info at this thread which I posted a couple weeks ago:

Wow. Just an innocent question about how the virus is affecting high end sales just like car sales or retail in general. 

I appreciate those who understood the question. As for using google, really. I thought this forum was a little more civil and for those that are thank you. 

Also thought if there were such opportunities I might be willing to help a dealer or two out seeing that many in this forum might also have the insight track. 
@hilde45 thanks for the post. I was actually looking for an Anthem STR Integrated and thanks to your post I probably will buy one now. Thanks again. 
Call ANY vendor, tell them what YOU want to spend, and negotiate.

The state of affairs obviously are in YOUR favor right now. Appears it will be that way too, for awhile?