Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 


Showing 4 responses by hilde45

@kren Agree. Fair question. I've seen sales online and w/local dealers as a result of a need to compete in a new environment and to keep cash flowing. Some specifically mention the "changed environment" but whether it's precisely due to COVID is of course a red herring side issue.
You may find some info at this thread which I posted a couple weeks ago:

@revrob I'd be curious what you wind up with. Good luck and I hope you find enjoyment!
+1 bflood
If a forum topic doesn't interest me, I don't read or comment on it. Saves me time. 
@abery Good points. I saved a long time before I started to finally put together my system and while in some ways it seems an extravagance, and this will sound maudlin, I feel powerless and want to try to enjoy something I deeply appreciate before I'm unable to. Audio is a hobby, sure, but it conveys some of the most meaningful things humans have created; to experience that in a way that is immersive is something we all have in common.