Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Interesting article on the upcoming Audio Aero SACD/DVD player at: http://www.HIGHENDNEWS.COM/

Specifically, "Audio Aero's new SACD player converts DSD to PCM to improve sound":

One does kinda get used to the cap II, doesn't one? Kinda like a favorite old shoe... :-)

Mike (aka justacoder)
hello what's the secret combination to getting a Mark 2 to send the data read off the CD through the digital output connection[bnc] so it can feed my digital converter? Why didn't they make the bnc output a coax connection? I have the correct digital cable with the correct ends just not getting sound output from the digital converter? Help please or I may have to shoot the player. Where are my bullets anyway?
Are you asking to get a digital output from a playing CD on the MKII ?.. didn't know that was possible, I thought only the Digital input of whatever other source is upsampled and then outputted via the BNC digital output..

BNC is used because its the best connection(I believe).
BNC is also certified to accepts and send digital audio conforming to the 75Ω S/PDIF digital interface standards and it offers the best and most secure connection. More equipment should have BNC as standard IMHO.

BTW, you can also get at your local Rat Shack gold BNC to RCA plugs.(adapter)


the Capitol Mark 2 does indeed output the digital information read by the transport via the bnc digital output jack[The only digital output on the Capitol].You don't need to access the menus to change anything just connect the appropriate digital cable between the player and your digital converter.
Are there differances is COAX (RCA Digital) Cables? i shall soon be running my DVD Player through my Capitole and I would appreciate any input.
Golly, no replies! It looks like Audio Aero has the problems "licked" with the latest batch. (And since no one has reported new problems with new posts, I kinda' wonder why you're dredging this OLD posting up again??? Give it a rest Lall; you wouldn't want to make people think you have an agenda here, would you?)
I hear that Globe/Audio Aero are doing whatever is necessary to take care of the owners of players that were issued previously. There were software-related problems, which is quite common and easily corrected with new chips, etc. The problems in many players were related to shipping damage (I think we can all relate to that!) and Audio Aero has made improvements in design to compensate for gorilla abuse.
11/13/02 is the last post by Lall so what are you talking about"dredging up"? agenda? Last time I heard from Lall he was very pleased with his Capitol 2 player.
Mejames (and Lall) you're right; I apologize.
That irrelevant posting from Unclejeff is the one that dragged this posting back up to the top. I incorrectly assumed that because it's Lall's original posting at the top. But the fact that the posting was dragged back up by the new message is like dredging it all back up again. I'm an A.A. fan myself and I just saw red.
Hey, I'm a relative newbie here. I'll consider myself "slapped".
At least people will see from my update that the new Capitoles are working great!
Mejames: thanks for the clarifying to Golden ears. Yes my last post was dated 11/13/02 and my Capitole is working very fine.
I am now trying to get the best out of my new speakers, the Kharma CRM 1.2.
Due to the heavy weight, speaker positioning is not an easy job.
But the Capitole is a clear winner and I will stick with it for a very long time.
seems to have lost digital out capabilities from my CAPII ?
swapped inputs on pre/pro, swapped cables both nogo

I know the prepro and cable is fine as I swapped in another component.
Interestingly enough; Installed a digital feed into the coax and it fed it with no problems in both coax out and also CD out, which surprised me..

Powered down and left it off for 20 mins... no change
All other Digital components are working fine so its not the Pre/pro.

Any suggestions ? .. is there a reboot option on the CAP ?
You might try starting a new thread with this problem. I doubt this one will continue to attract the attention of the AA experts.
Make sure you didn't accidentally change the digital out option with the channel buttons on the left side of the player, or at the remote. The Capitole allows you to switch between which digital input is going to the output (direct)or from the player itself.
I was involved with the distribution of Audio Aero even before Globe Audio, and with Globe as a partner. Dealing with Audio Aero for almost five years forced me to resign from the company. This company has had greater than than seventy persent failure of all their products and never improved all the time I was involved with Globe. There are several reasons for this. Poor workmanship, improper testing, very poor quality controle, poor constuction, and no concept of production planning. We had a nine month delay in the release of the MK11, and when they were received another delay waiting for a programing chip that took another couple of months, and then going through three different chips. I asked Audio Aero not to release the MKII for one year so they could be properly tested, this obviously didn`t happen. I spent over two years trying to correct these problems with little success. The blame doesn`t rest with delivery problems, it is a result of poor consruction. The packaging was double boxed and you could have had it shipped in a wooden box, but one good bump could easily damage the unit because of poor constuction. I could go on for pages of problems with Audio Aero (and these problems were consistent right across their product line) but I would have a posting longer than War and Peace. I have kept myself away from this discussion for a long while, but Audio Aero needs a good slap.
Matthew Brazeau
Ouch, Matt! I am having great fun with my Audio Aero. I am now happier I bought an almost new one, for half of the price. Still, I really do love the sound and from most of these threads I see many happy customers since the P4 chip thing got fixed. I really would cry if mine failed. I love it!
Rightyo Unclejeff!
That was OLD news. All of the newer Capitoles have been great, especially the ones from this year, from what I hear!!
Yeah I agree with the uncle, I've had no problems and nothing but an enjoyable experience with my player. The guys at Globe are great, they never seem like "oh no not another capitole II customer on the phone.... what to do now???" Sounds like you had some problems with them and let it effect a level of professionalism that should never be crossed. Regardless of what you feel or think, being in the business of all people you should know better. I know a few people who had some problems, nothing that hasn't been fixed.
I spent over two years trying to correct these problems
To me it doesn't sound like you felt it was worth your time and never really cared. So what are you selling now? which competetor are you representing?? or should I say misrepresenting?? The Audio Aero Capitole MkII has been the BEST COMPONENT I have owned to date!
I'm with Tire Guy. I'm very happy with my AA
and The guys at Global have been great. My CD
player has the P4 chip and works great.
My player doesn't play Robbie Williams: Escapology and other discs that are copy protected. These discs are marked with a black circle with a black arrow inside. Have anybody had problems like this with the mk.2? Or is it just my player? I've bought my player in january 2003.
I have one disc that it will not play, Shefield labs "My Disk" I have tried it in 4 capitole mkII's and it just will not read the disc. That is the only disc I had problems playing and seeing as it is technical and not really music it doesn't bother me much at all.
I think its in bad taste to bring out the laundry, Matt, kinda surprising.. lots of companies have issues.. especially smaller outfits, not all can be Harmon.. I love my CAP.

Your post does beg the question.. why you posted this ripping post where are you working now ?

Who is Mzn50? at least I use my name. Bad taste you have know idea of the bad taste I had daily for acouple of years. By the way this was over a five year period. I have been gone from Globe for almost a year, and if things have improved thats great. I didn`t involve myself because I thought it sounded bad. As I tried to say I tried, unsucessfuly, to avoid some of the issues customers had with the products. I have left audio, after 30 years I`m burnt out.
Yes, I agree it was bad taste. I appologise to Audio Aero and all owners of Audio Aero products. I`m sure the problems have been corrected since my departure from Globe, and I`m sure they did everything possible for their customers. Please regard this stupid outburst the result of a very bad day. I`m sure we have all said things without thinking.
Matthew Brazeau
Hi Matt

mzn50 is me ...
Matt Nalbandian
in Ottawa

Web : although significant changes in my setup.. gone to tubes ..

So anyway, no worries, I am sure I speak for lots when I say we all have those moments .. trust me, I sell to the Canadian Govt ... that alone leads me to psychiatric help !!

Good Luck
