Audible Illusions Modulus 3A problems

I own an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A and it has the stepped attenuators. the right channel has started making very loud popping noises when changing settings. Once it is in a set static position it sounds fine. I used to be able to spray it with a cleaner and it would operate silently for a month or so but now it pops no matter what! I'm reluctant to send it back because I've heard horror stories about getting them back in ones own life time from the factory. Any suggestions ? Is this common? Any fixes? Is the factory the ONLY choice?

Showing 1 response by tora

It can be something to do with the tubes. Try changing them to a known good quality set and see it would help. There were other tube preamplifiers I used to have that had similar problems. It turned out to be bad tubes.

