At what price is one considered an Audiophile.

Audiophilia, what is is it?

Is it the love of music or the equipment that presents the music.

Or is it both? 

What is the cost of admission?

How much does one have to spend on equipment to be considered an Audiophile, if it is truly the later than the music.

What has membership to this perceived exclusive club cost you?




Showing 1 response by sokogear

There is no $ amount as a price of admission.

For me it is about the rush I get when I hear something new or different in a record that sounds better. At times it may be from a minor change that has big impact or a relatively bigger change that may only has a small impact.

If you appreciate reproduced sound quality, seek to have it in your house and realize you can always get something better and can live with that you are a sane audiophile. If you are on the never ending hamster wheel of upgrades, my condolences. At this point, I am happy with my system's sound and realize the limitations of my room acoustics and only change equipment when something breaks or wears out. 

I do seek out better sounding records of my favorite recordings however....luckily that is a fairly reasonable number.