Are you going to buy the Rolling Stones SACDs?

I've preordered a few already. I suspect that the recordings, despite remastering, will be far less than what SACD is capable of reproducing. But it is exciting to see a large block of music from major artists come out in the new format, and that's why I'm buying. What do you think the major labels (especially Sony, that controls vast numbers of recordings AND manufactures SACD equipment) are waiting for? Seems logical to me that getting more software out would speed sales of the electronics and interest more of the general public in the new format. Releasing SACDs would also immediately protect the record companies from copyright infringement, at least until someone manufactures an SACD burner.
I picked up Metamorphsis at Borders this afternoon. Popped in my car CD changer, went straight to Going Down. Goosebumps and memories, what a song. The CD itself: they cleared up lots of the grunge( though they keep some in, thank god). Excellent sound concerning what was recorded.
But with the Stones it was never about the quality of the sound it was their attitude ( however faux it was) they recorded. Mick was really jaded and cynical on Going Down, loved it. Actually there were 4 songs that i thought should have made their albums, the rest.... second rate stuff... but better then most bands top drawer....
I just bought (what I think) is a current reissue but nowhere on the packaging does it say "DSD", "SACD", etc.
It's in one of those cardboard type containers (not plastic jewel box). Should I open it or is this some kind of record company scam?
Anyone seen reissues marked "SACD"?
Yes, you purchased a SACD. It does not say "SACD" on The outer packaging. You're in for a treat!
Jschrimpf: Your'e right, I opened the package and there was a "certificate of authenticity" (isn't this getting a little to fancy?). My main system is boxed up (PLEASE see my auction) so can't vouch for sonics but sure sounds like new disk has gain "thru the roof". Could barely turn volume past 8 O'clock (it WAS late). Thanks!
There's no fool like an old fool! I posted my original comments on Aug. 27th. Five days later, Neal Pollack (a kid of only 32 years, but wiser than those who preorder these living fossils' SACD crap) wrote a column in the N.Y. Times, that pretty much reflected my viewpoints about these geriatric buffoons. GIVE IT UP, MICK! You and the band used to be Rock & Roll Dynamos. Now, you're just withered parodies, hucksters of the P.T. Barnum school (would somebody PLEASE show these guys the "Egress?!") At least good old P.T. gave you your money's worth. PLEASE DON'T BUY THESE SACD's. It only encourages corporate greed to release more extraneous and irrelevant material. Here's the link to Neal's column: