Are you going to buy the Rolling Stones SACDs?

I've preordered a few already. I suspect that the recordings, despite remastering, will be far less than what SACD is capable of reproducing. But it is exciting to see a large block of music from major artists come out in the new format, and that's why I'm buying. What do you think the major labels (especially Sony, that controls vast numbers of recordings AND manufactures SACD equipment) are waiting for? Seems logical to me that getting more software out would speed sales of the electronics and interest more of the general public in the new format. Releasing SACDs would also immediately protect the record companies from copyright infringement, at least until someone manufactures an SACD burner.

Showing 2 responses by fatparrot

The Rolling Stones??? I think that they should rename themselves "The Cash Cows"! Hey, "The Cash Cows" have done some great stuff, but Mick and the boys (geezers) have been irrelevant since the '80's. I forget the tour, but I had heard some concert excerpts, and without a studio and multiple takes, Mick has no voice! His monotone singing of "Shattered" reminded me of the William Shatner version of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"! And this was over 15 years ago! Most of the old and WAY past their prime rockers have sold out anyway (is anyone familiar with The Fools song "Sold Out" should be an anthem for old rockers!) Ever since Paul McCartney's tour in the late '80's, which was sponsored by MasterCard, and for which Sir Paul became a media shill, marketing and profits have replaced art, quality, and integrity. Hell, take a look at BIG NAME anti-establishment rock groups who have sold their "babies" to be used as music beds for commercials. The most greedy and money grubbing example must be that of the Clash. "London Calling" is now used for some crappy car (I think it's for the Ford Jaguar. However, this is appropriate, for the Jaguar itself is a pale ghost of it's former glory!) The Clash was a "take no prisoners" group that shredded every sacred establishment (cash) cow with their music. This was the group whose song "Death and Glory" screamed the lyrics,

"And every gimmick hungry yawp,
digging gold from rock and roll,
grabs his mike and tells us,
he'll die before he's sold.
But I believe in this,
and it's been tested by research,
he who f**ks nuns,
will later join the church."

How true, how prophetic, how sad!
There's no fool like an old fool! I posted my original comments on Aug. 27th. Five days later, Neal Pollack (a kid of only 32 years, but wiser than those who preorder these living fossils' SACD crap) wrote a column in the N.Y. Times, that pretty much reflected my viewpoints about these geriatric buffoons. GIVE IT UP, MICK! You and the band used to be Rock & Roll Dynamos. Now, you're just withered parodies, hucksters of the P.T. Barnum school (would somebody PLEASE show these guys the "Egress?!") At least good old P.T. gave you your money's worth. PLEASE DON'T BUY THESE SACD's. It only encourages corporate greed to release more extraneous and irrelevant material. Here's the link to Neal's column: