Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


I do have to say that I liked Taylor's "Red" better than Adele's last album - which was totally forgettable to me. And I blame Adele's huge influence on record pressing companies that caused so many other worthy vinyl albums to come out months later than they should have.  I mean, I liked 19, 21, and 25. But 30 just seemed forced and way hyped. Underwhelmed. 

I think she’s pretty great. I came to that conclusion after buying a bunch of her records for my daughter and listening with her to them on my system. She can write a helluva pop song. My kid opened my ears. 




4,733 posts


Too many of her songs are about what some boyfriend did in their last relationship. Not much depth, IMO.

Cue up some Joni, indeed.

Thanks for this info. I don’t even know what her songs are about as I can’t make it past the 5secs of the intro. Now I feel good that I bridged that gap. 

In my opinion there are better and more talented contemporaries i.e. Lana Del Rey and Billie Eilish. But it’s all a matter of taste. 

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