Are you a special snowflake?

We all know you're special. But special enough to be the Thought Police? What aspects of audio performance do you grant us the right to discuss? Why is it okay for you to insult, to call us shills, to call the things we value snake oil, ridicule and demean and broadcast your particular and peculiar points of view, but we don't have the right to argue the opposing view? 

Are you really a special snowflake? Or are you just another audiophile with a different point of view? No better, nor worse, than any other.

What is it you feel gives you the right to tell others Shut Up!?


Showing 3 responses by tomic601

Ironic how a foul water analogy is cited when Lord Dumpsterfire Vader made Mercury and Arsenic pollution standards lower just this week.... but then irony was a Maoist strongman point....
But please do educate us on “ mini Mao “. surely such experts have actually BEEN to China ? Worked there ? Built things there ? Exported from there ? Hired there?...and importantly for America, exported to China.

I am expecting crickets from Charlie and Oregon.....