Are you a special snowflake?

We all know you're special. But special enough to be the Thought Police? What aspects of audio performance do you grant us the right to discuss? Why is it okay for you to insult, to call us shills, to call the things we value snake oil, ridicule and demean and broadcast your particular and peculiar points of view, but we don't have the right to argue the opposing view? 

Are you really a special snowflake? Or are you just another audiophile with a different point of view? No better, nor worse, than any other.

What is it you feel gives you the right to tell others Shut Up!?


Showing 1 response by cleeds

What is it you feel gives you the right to tell others Shut Up!?
The moderators here don’t tell anyone to "shut up." They delete posts and threads that are off-topic, attack other members, profane or racist. And that’s about it. For, sure, the OP has had his share of content deleted, but the same rules that apply to him apply to everyone here. So, in a way, it is the OP who is the "special snowflake," angry that he can’t fully express his "feelings" about many things on this site, which is supposed to be about audio and music.

What gives the moderators the right to delete content here? This is a privately-owned site, so administrators set the rules. Those who object can start their own site, or they can continue to play the victim of those they characterize as "special snowflakes."

One thing this thread proves: There are some people here with real anger, disappointment, and resentment issues. I feel sorry for them.