Are there other people like me ? Amazed by their low cost system :)

Are there other people so much amazed by a relatively low cost system , they consider that is not a stopgap but instead a minimally satisfying ectasy... Each day i am amazed by my speakers and headphone... Am i deaf? Am i ignorant of high end ? Be assured that i know better system with higher acoustic experience and more refined exist ...

My point is an experienced and felt minimal threshold of acoustic qualities and well done and well realized and well manifested acoustic factors exist for me and are at play, for the price invested; so much so , i consider any upgrade way less tempting and if possible would be more, way more , costlier to appear as a real upgrade in quality... For sure an upgrade of part at low cost unbeknowst to me is possible but i must live with what i have for now but i feel no frustration at all. 😊

Am i the only one deluded in this way or enlightened in this way ? Pick your choice of word.... 😎


Dude, you must really think you’re important. You’re not. STFU already. It’s beyond obnoxious.


Why do I have a hotel room in your head? Is it because I’m of no real importance to you?😊

So explain to me why a thread about the importance of good sound/quality and price ratio gets you all worked up?

Why instead of a positive contribution or a reasoned opinion do you spit out a sentence as banal as it is useless precisely after a few angry simpletons did the same ?


By the way poor dude i am not important at all but the question which my thread ask for others opinions is...


Now suppose my thread is qualified of being obnoxious, this is an insult for all others testimonies and personal experiences here ...And there is many...

If it is not the thread which is obnoxious then it is me alone .. 😊

Then the only explanation for your useless post is your rageful desire to insult me...

Go on other thread my poor little hating soul , it will be better for your heart pressure ...

By the way STFU yourself...


Before quitting your pleasant company i will confide or confess  to you my sin. i am an idiot sometimes to reply to hate or narrow mind ... Then in this sense you are right. You see i can recognize my own limit... Being retired i like to discuss with other gentlemen about many audio or music related matter...I am not important but any conversation is important in a way or another...




«Only narrow mind take a question or an answer for a personal insult»-- Anonymus poster

 I will really like to hear others people experience with a relatively low cost piece of gear or a relatively low cost system...

"relatively" means  the price matter not, what matter is your own experience  as  owner...

Better late than never.

But it will be interesting to read their more detailed experience with their relatively low cost system versus a more costlier part or more costlier system...

After reading the infamous Stereo Review blind test of 1987(?) and subsequent tests and personal experiences, I stopped focusing on electronics except for their convenience features as long as their measurements check out, so for my main audio system I have a vintage Pioneer integrated amp. I've read a lot about speakers and decided I wanted to build my own, but I knew enough to know that I didn't know enough to design my own. So I selected a design from someone who did know enough. I chose to build BFM Davids with upgraded drivers. They cost $1100 to build. Total system cost, including DAC and laptop was approx $1900.

For my voice-activated office system all I cared about was that the preamp was Alexa-enabled and all types of distortion measured below the level of human hearing and the speakers were unobtrusive. For speakers I built a pair of Linkwitz LXMinis for $800. Total system cost approx $1400.

My guitar studio has JBL 30x speakers that are frequency-matched within 1 decibel. They cost around $300. The direct interface was $200. Laptop $300. One thing I always found funny is that in a huge number of cases the speakers used to engineer recordings are far cheaper than the speakers audiophiles use to play them back.

My living room and HT systems were much more expensive, but they serve a different purpose. However, I still bought them mostly used.

I will really like to hear others people experience with a relatively low cost piece of gear or a relatively low cost system...

"relatively" means the price matter not,

That’s an interesting definition of "relatively." So if the cost doesn’t matter, do you want to also hear from people with mega-$ systems?

It is already explained in a post above with even an exemple... Thanks...

That’s an interesting definition of "relatively." So if the cost doesn’t matter, do you want to also hear from people with mega-$ systems?