@Icherepkai, I applaud your experimental efforts. I use solid core for just about everything simply because I find it superior to stranded. I have Harmonic Technology Pro 9 speaker cables which use different sized solid cores and these are my reference.
Your suggestion to wrap and twist 14AWG is fine at amp side but a little more difficult at the speaker end. Let me suggest finding a rod the same size as the binding post diameter (I select-from my set of drill bits) tightly twisting the 2 wires about 50mm from the end using 2 pairs of pliers to do this then splaying them apart and forming them tightly around the bit and twisting again with pliers which now resembles a lug but without any soldering or additional random pieces of metal. I place a copper washer over the post and tighten against that to prevent deforming the ’lug’ For Cu. washers I visit auto suppliers for a close fitting annealed soft Cu. washer. These are used on diesel injectors and are pure Cu. The Cu. washers from hardware stores are mass produced by stamping and are manufactured from dubious quality metal and partially hardened during the stamping process. Once firmly tightened the excess wire on the final twist can be neatly trimmed leaving about 10mm to maintain integrity. Hope I’ve explained that clearly. Some advocate soldering the lug so formed but I strongly disagree because you are essentially creating a failed solder joint whilst introducing unnecessary and unwelcome extra metals into the connection.
Pliers: I superglue pieces of leather in the jaws to protect the wire when twisting.
On my speakers and amps I take it further by bringing the wires from the XO or amp modules outside the box or chassis to a pure Cu. lug and place the speaker wire in an identical lug, mating them back to back and tightening securely. This IMO is the closest second best to an inconvenient direct connection. Sure, this will void any guarantee but my speakers and amps are DIY
One more point, you mentioned running 7 solid core wires together. If they are not individually insulated then you are back to a stranded cable.
Regards listening blind or sighted I approach this another way which IMO provides a better grasp of any difference. Simply listen for at least a week before swapping, so allowing you to relax with the music and determine which entertains the most whilst fatiguing the least.
Very keen to hear results of the unusual metals as speaker cables. A higher DCR (lower IACS) is not an issue.