Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Showing 13 responses by thecarpathian

I'm on a roll.
That's why there's butter on my pants....!
Thank you, yes, I'll be here still in my house, all week...
Do you think he called the ’Feynman Technique’ the ’Me Technique’?
Like when God swears he yells- "Me dammit!" .
According to Hair Fuhrer, the reported number of deaths is actually being inflated so greedy ’D’ states can reap more relief money. You know, this coming from the same guy who toured the medical mask manufacturing facility that has signs everywhere stating to wear a mask at all times and keep six feet apart, while not wearing a mask or keeping six feet apart while the facility blared ’Helter Skelter ’ over the PA system.
That would be funny if it wasn't so ignorantly sad. Or is it sadly ignorant?
Either way, it's appropriate.
You all must be talking about window unit air conditioning cables. 
I have central air and it's on a dedicated line directly from the breaker box.
Perhaps if you guys ran your window units off a dedicated circuit it might alleviate any quality issues you may be having. Just a thought...
Ah, the Yugo.
The only car where the owner's manual came with a bus schedule...
Just watched the video.
Not sure that wasn’t a scene from 'This Is Spinal Tap......'