AQ Jitterbug for USB

Has anyone had an opportunity to try one? It's supposed to reduce jitter and received high praise in Tone Audio. Isn't the iFI iPurifier a similar device? There was no mention of it nor was there a comparison. I'd be interested in knowing whether anyone has compared these two devices.
Jc - do you know where it can be purchased? I found an AQ price book on-line dated May 2015 and the Jitterbug is listed there w/diagrams on use but haven't found where to buy it.
I own the iFi purifier along with the IFi usb power supply and dual headed usb cable. It does add refinement and is certainly worth the small costs.

I read the same article in Tone about the AQ Jitterbug and I am tempted to try it.
I'd like to try it too esp. as I do a bit of headphone listening with a Mac (Dragonfly v1.2 into an Asgard2). Should be easy to tell if it improved things.
greater excitement on CA website about USB Regen device... in addition to isolating power feed and better clock, its supposed to improve impedance matching between source device and asynch USB DAC